New To The Feeling

Haircuts and Lip Rings

Wylie instructed me to drive down various streets. I was perfectly aware of my surroundings and knew where I was, but had no clue where I was going. Wylie belted out directions at last minute turns before we finally pulled into a parking lot. My car rattled into a spot in the center of a dozen or so shops. I looked to Wylie, who was facing straight forward with a blank expression. I cannot figure him out I thought.

"Ok, get out." He said suddenly.

I turned the key in the ignition. It puffed a bit before finally bubbling to a stop. We both got out and locked the doors. We stared at each other over the top of my car a long moment before he spoke again.

"Do you have a bandana in your car?" He said so plainly you'd think that it was an everyday question, like asking for the time.

"No." I said puzzled.

"Oh, ok," He paused a moment, "Close your eyes."

I pulled back a bit as he rounded to car towards me. His thin body towering over mine. My eyes must have been wide with fear because he laughed at me.

"Don't worry. Just do it. All you have to do is walk across the parking lot, but I don't want you to know which store we're going to."

I closed my eyes reluctantly. He then placed his hands on my hips and guided me in the direction of the mystery store. I wasn't so sure if the price of edgy-ness was worth it. He stopped me in front of a store. I only knew that, because we had stepped up a curb and we now standing in the shade which I figured meant and overhang.

"Wait here." Wylie let go of me.

"No! Wylie." I grasped the air around me with my eyes closed. I know I could have opened them, but I'm not one to ruin surprises.

"Wylie!" I reached out again, but this time someone grabbed me. Wylie held my hand and was standing extremely close to me. I could feel him next to my face. I wanted to draw back, but I couldn't get myself to. It was too comfortable to be standing so close to him. It was strange and unknown territory, but exciting all at the same time.

"Am I edgy yet?" I said, trying to break my thoughts.

I heard him laugh and he walked me into the building. A variety of familiar sounds could be heard. An oldies radio station was playing and there was talking along with the snapping of gum. Wylie carefully led me to where he asked me to sit down. I sat back in an all too familiar chair.

"Open your eyes." He said.

"I knew it!" I looked around. It was a hair salon. I should have guessed.

"We're getting you hair done." Wylie smiled at me in the mirror.

"Uh, how done?" I could feel my hands begin to shake. I haven't parted with my long hair in years, I don't know if I could.

"A lot done."

I looked panicked in the mirror. My face was pale. I stared a long time at my auburn curls, twirling them in-between my fingers. Wylie walked up behind me and ran his fingers along my neck, giving me chills, and gathering my hair in his hands. He looked at me again in the mirror.

A woman then walked up behind us. She had a bleach blonde pixie cut. Her eyes were a bright, clear blue that had been heavily outlined with black eyeliner. She bore a beautiful smile.

"This is Kit. She does my hair." Wylie smiled again at me.

"Hi." I said lightly.

"Hey, hun. No worries, it won't hurt and I don't bite." She smiled again. I could only utter a smirk.

"No need to be nervous, Sky." Wylie said comfortingly. I believed him.

"Ok. Let's get this over with." I shut my eyes tight and held my long hair for the last time.


I stared into the mirror gawking at the girl before me. My eyes looked bigger than before and my face had an edgy shape also. I touched it lightly as to not mess up the masterpiece that Kit had just created. I looked back to see Wylie staring at me also with a caring smile on his face. I looked back to the mirror. My hair was about chin length, maybe a little longer. I had long bangs that swooped across my forehead from one side sort of in front of my right eye. Kit had styled it with a flat iron. My hair was straight and messy up top creating an almost punk look, but softer. Kit had ensured me that if I were to let it curl, it would still look cute. Beside the cut there was thick blonde streaks put in at random bringing out the fiery girl inside me, according to Wylie.

"Well, hun. I love it. Such gorgeous feature you have." Kit said and then snapped her gum.

"Thanks." I said still looking at my reflection.

"It looks... awesome." Wylie's voice came from behind me.

I turned to face him. He smiled and blushed. I had never seen him blush like that before. It was more surprising than seeing him cry.

"Thanks." I couldn't think of anything better to say.

Wylie then moved to the front counter and paid for my haircut. I offered to pay, but he told me that I was his project. He wrapped his arm around my back and squeezed, but let go quickly. We walked outside after thanking Kit again. I began to walk into the parking lot after eyeing my car.

"Where are you going?" Wylie hollered after me.

"To my car?" I wasn't sure why he wasn't coming with me.

"We're not done for today." My eyes widened as I turned to face him. It felt strange when my hair didn't fall over my shoulders, but rather stayed where it was. It felt so much lighter than before, I could hardly believe that it could make that much of a difference.

"Where are we going now?" I asked as I walked towards him. He pointed to the shop next door. It read Outcast. I tilted my head; then the light went on.

"Oh no, I said. I already have my ears pierced. I don't need more on my ears." I held my earlobes and backed away.

"C'mon." Wylie grabbed my waist and pushed me towards the store.

I blinked hard when I got inside. It looked nothing like I thought it would. The walls were a pale grey and trimmed with blue. It wasn't gothic or too punk. It looked much like any other guy's store you'd find in these kinds of shopping centers. I looked around a moment more before Wylie dragged me over to the desk.

"Pick one out." Wylie stated.

"One what?" I looked at him, bewildered.

"Those." Wylie pointed to the glass counter. Inside there were rows and rows of bellybutton rings. I felt as though I'd fall over.

"No way." I stepped back.

"Yes way." He pushed me forward.

"I'm not much for confrontation, but I am not going to do this." I rebuked.

"Yes you are. I know who you are. I know what you're like. You don't want to be caged up next to a guy on a high horse. You're too beautiful to be dragged around by a guy like him." Wylie stopped suddenly and looked away.

"Ok." I said. Wylie looked up at me.

"Ok?" He repeated.

"Yeah, I'll do it." I shuttered at the thought, but I was committed now.

I picked out a simple barbell with a red jewel on the silver ball that sits in the navel. A heavily tattooed man led me to a room in the back. I demanded that Wylie follow; he did. We made it to a small room with walls covered in faux black velvet. There was a counter with cleaning supplies for tools and a chair shaped like a gigantic stiletto in a corner. I stood in front of the man as he crouched down in front of and made a dot where he would put the needle through. He then instructed me to sit slouched on the oddly shaped chair. Wylie followed and grabbed my hand without me asking. I looked up at him and he down at me. He smiled with his eyes at me. I could see his features soften and his crisp green eyes show through. He squeezed my hand and really smiled. The man placed a clamp over the area he would pierce. He counted to three and pushed the thick, hollow needle through my skin. I flinched and squeezed Wylie's hand; he squeezed back. As soon as it begun, it was over. The man gave me instructions on how to care for it.

"So, what are you gonna get done?" I looked at Wylie after staring at my stomach in the mirror.

"What?" He seemed caught off guard.

"What are you gonna get done?" I smirked and scrunched my nose.

"You decide." He watched me play with my hair.

"How about..." I thought a moment and tapped my lips, "a lip ring."

Wylie raised and eyebrow and nodded in agreement. I smiled widely and he returned the gesture.


The small silver ring seemed to fit Wylie's face. I drove my car out of the parking lot and onto the street. Wylie fumbled through my stuff.

"You have a message." He handed my phone to me.

"I guess I left it in here." I flipped open the top and dialed my voice mailbox. I pressed a few buttons until the message began. Jake's voice rang through the earpiece.

"Where have you been..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so in case you are wondering, I missed a chapter when I was submitting them. I have the whole thing already written up in Word. Nonetheless... the chapter The Fight, should clear up some of the confusion. Please go read it to get cleared up! Thanks and sorry.

Comments appreciated.