New To The Feeling

Smile, It'll Change You

Across the city, girls were giddy with excitement. Make-up was strewn across every vanity and hair spray was filling the air. Unlike most, I sat quietly in my room not touching my hair or make-up, just waiting and praying that things wouldn't go sour. I had a bad feeling about the upcoming night, but I didn't want to jinx it by saying all that out loud. My mind was racing with all of the possibilities of the upcoming events. I wanted to scream, laugh and cry all at once. I knew prom was supposed to be fun and one of those milestone moments, but I was going with Wylie, not Jake.

Jake. What was I to do? My head said to leave him and that he wasn't being honest with me, but my heart was so in love. Besides, everyone knows that the heart is much more persuasive than the head. Unfortunately, it was just as deceitful, too. He had provided me with love and affection. He was there for me when I needed him. He was in fact, my knight in shining armor. How could I just abandon him simply for accusations of things that I wasn't certain about? The whole thing seemed to be getting more and more complicated as the days went on. I didn't want to lose him. I didn't want to be the bad guy, but more than anything else, I didn't want to be hurt.

I finally managed to get myself put together. My aunt came over to help me do my hair while my mother and I tried to do my make-up. It wasn't anything fabulous, but it brought out my eyes against my face. When all was finished, I had a half hour to gather my things, put on my dress, put on my shoes, and pace around nervously. The limo had arrived at our house ten minutes early. Everyone would be meeting here and then we would attend dinner together. I don't know why we chose my house. It wasn't the nicest. We should have gone to Jake's, actually. However, I didn't argue with the majority.

Not long after the limo appeared, Beth arrived with her date, Greg. Greg was a nice guy that she had met several years ago. They were friends and when neither of them came up with a date to prom, they unanimously decided that each other’s company was the best call. She glided into the room wearing her perky prom dress. It was a bright, but not scary, shade of pink. The hem fell just below her knees showing off a pair of strappy white heels. It was a halter, much like the Marilyn Monroe dress. We gawked at each other a moment before I turned to her wrist where a pink rose sat lightly on her wrist.

“What a perfect corsage!” I exclaimed.

“I know!” She squeaked, wide-eyed.

I leaned in, “And what a perfect date…” I flicked my eyes towards Greg. She nudged me, but then nodded in agreement. Oh Lord, she likes him.

Knock knock knock!!!

My heart felt like it was in my throat. I moved to the door and opened it. I was expecting Wylie, but instead, there stood Jake and next to him was Jana. I hesitantly stepped aside, politely implying that they enter. The walked passed me. Jake wrapped an arm around me and held me close so that his mouth my next to my ear.

“You look stunning.” He whispered then he let me go and walked beside Jana.

Of course, this just made me even more furious. My boyfriend was telling me I was stunning and then walking off to his date. Did I mention his date isn’t me!? I took a deep breath and moved back into the family room where everyone, including eager parents with cameras, was waiting for the final arrival. I surveyed the room as I suddenly felt that Wylie would be taking a bit longer than I had hoped.

Greg stood tall among the crowd. He seemed to be staying close to Beth. His dirty blonde hair was fastened in a sort of sweeping hairstyle. I assume that wasn’t his idea, but by the looks of it, that hair wouldn’t be moving any time soon due to the amount of hairspray holding it together. Darling Beth looked so dainty in the pink gown as she stood there crossing her legs like little girls do when they’re nervous or bored. Jake looked beyond handsome. I had never seen him look so good and the fact I couldn’t snag him away and kiss him was driving me mad. It could have been the jealousy, but I was trying to be good. Jana, on the other hand, looked a bit misplaced; or maybe it was that she was bitter. Either way, she didn’t seem to fit in and wasn’t very happy about it. She was wearing a silky, slinky almost cobalt blue dress and made her skin and hair look vibrant. I will admit, the girl knew how to accentuate her natural looks, not that her hair was naturally that blonde. I doubt that’s her nose, or her boobs. Oh, stop it, Skylar.

A half hour later, the doorbell rang. Of course we were all anxious and most of the parents had taken pictures of their couples already. There I stood, off to the side, silently sulking in my own self-pity. No one seemed to notice.

I rushed to the front door and reached for the handle before I backed off and fluffed myself up a bit. I was determined to make someone uneasy, jealous, or madly in love with me my evening’s end. How I was to do that? I don’t know, but for some reason the fluffing was all I could come up with at the time. I opened the door slowly, partially for effect, partially out of nervousness. There he stood. My date. My senior prom date. Wylie was tapping his foot and leaning on the other. In his hand was a small plastic box, which contained my corsage. His tall slender body look even taller in the tuxedo. It was all black; the jacket, the pants, the shoes, the shirt and even the tie. I looked to his face where that perfect lip ring sat, then to his hair. That’s when I noticed it.

“You changed your hair.” I said.

“Hello.” He replied.

“Oh, hi, come in.” I stuttered, “You changed your hair.” I repeated.

Wylie rubbed his head. I had noticed for a few weeks that he had seemed to have let his mohawk go. He hadn’t shaved it off but the sides were becoming much like a buzz cut. Now, the mohawk was gone and it was an even length around his whole head. It wasn’t too short either. It looked very nice.

“I like it.” I confirmed.

“Thanks.” He paused and looked down before handing me the corsage, “here.”

“You’re not very good at this are you?” I giggled.

I invited him inside. Wylie was introduced to the crowd of people. He stared long and hard at Jana, then back to me.

“Come now, we’ve got to get you two out back for a few photos before you go. The others can get situated in the limo.” My mother demanded. She always had a way with commanding people and them actually listening.

We walked outside and stood against the fence, where the view was best. Wylie and I posed in a few different ways as the following conversation played on.

“You look nice.” I said.

“You clean up good, too.” He mocked me.

“Thanks.” I scowled at him before laughing.

Wylie paused a moment, then continued, “No, Sky, you really look good. That’s a good color on you.”

I smiled and looked down. Ah, I haven’t even described my dress have I? Well, no reason for that now is there? My gown fell to the floor. It was a tad long, but I had figured it would be ok because I would be in heels anyway, not that I could ever catch up to Wylie’s height. The satin gown was red, with a square strapless neckline. It has a ruched panel bodice with a long ruched panel, flared skirt.

I twirled my skirt a tad to see it flow beneath me, then looked back up at Wylie.

“Cute.” Was his only reply.

“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.” I played along.

“C’mon, big smile!” My mother directed.

For this final picture Wylie and I posed in funny ways and smiled, but not just smiled for a picture. We truly smiled. I know that I smiled wider at that moment than I had smiled in days. Come to think of it, this smile was different then most smiles. I had smiled as though I was embarking on a new journey, a new life. I was setting sail into new seas that would take me to places I have yet to see and yet to understand. My life, at this moment, was taking a turn. I would be different. I don’t know what it was about that dress, standing next to Wylie, and smiling that wide, but something inside me had flipped. I was no longer prisoner to what I was needed to be or what I was supposed to be. No one would tell me how to live my life. Some of the happiest times were when I would argue with Wylie about what I really feel, when I wasn’t being held back by a tormented and refined soul.

The tiger has been released from its cage and it was going to a party tonight!
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