New To The Feeling

Meet Skylar

I walked through the hallways of my dreaded school. I wasn't typical, I was just invisible. Every girl seemed to be so much better than me. But I had Jake. It was amazing that a girl like me could get a guy like him. He had deep blue eyes and medium length blonde hair. His skin was flawless and his body was perfect. He was everything a girl could dream of. Button up shirts, worn out jeans and a pair of Diesel shoes. He was perfect. He was raised in a loving family. They had it all, from a yacht to a new elevator in their house. The best part was that Jake's family (The Michaels Family) didn't care about the money. They were so wonderful to each other and everyone around them. That’s why it was amazing that an average girl like me could get a flawless guy like him.

"Hey sugar!" Jake came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the neck.

"Hi sweetie. How are you doing? How was work last night?" I asked.

"Ugh. It was awful. The restaurant was packed and there were only two of us playing buss boy. I dropped like 5 plates though. That was hilarious."

"I was sad when I didn't hear from you last night." I gave him a pouty look.

"Aw, Skylar. I'm sorry baby. I should've called you." He genuinely looked like he was sorry.
"Haha... Jake sweetie, its ok. You're aloud to not call me. Its ok. You have a life other than me. I know that." I reassured him.

"If only you knew how much of my life is you, Sky." He glanced down at the ground, almost ashamed or embarrassed that he said it.

"I love you, Jake." I hugged him tight.

"I love you, too hunny." He whispered it in my ear.

"That’s gross... GET A ROOM!" A familiar voice hollered at us.

"Knock it off Wylie!" I said.

Jake told me to cool it. I shrugged it off.

The bell rang and Jake walked away. We gave up on walking each other to our classes. It seemed like kind of a waste. We just weren't like that anyway. Wylie followed close behind me. He trotted up next to me.

"Hey baby!!" Wylie said smoothly.

"What do you want Wylie?" I didn't bother to look at him. "Don't you torture me enough throughout the day?"

"No. I don't think so" he smirked when I glanced at him. I walked faster trying to avoid his perfectly green eyes. How could I even think of them as perfect? I had Jake! I don’t' need anything else but him. I don't know what it is, but there's always been a part of me that wanted to be with the bad guy. I think every girl has felt that way. But why now? Why must I feel this now?

I walked into 3rd period. I waited for class to start. I had to get my attention off of the black haired, green eyed, bad boy in front of me. As obnoxious and rude as he could be, there was something so much better behind that mohawk and Ramones t-shirt.

Class began and we learned about poetry in English. Mr. Lee droned on about how the poetry can move people. Eventually he finished up.

"Alright guys. We have a project you're all gonna do." Mr. Lee said enthusiastically. A unanimous groan fell over the classroom. "You'll have partners and it'll be on a famous poet."

Please let us pick partners. Please let us pick partners...

"Ok, Shana and Jessica. Beth and Richard. Kelly and Martin. Mike and Shawn. Phil and Sarah. Wylie and.... I can't read my writing... oh. Wylie and Skylar."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"You and me sweetie!" Wylie commented. Everyone else laughed. It’s a good thing I'm not embarrassed easily.

Mr. Lee had continued placing partners. "And last but not least, Kyle and Rachael. Oh, by the way... this is your partner for the entire semester. You will complete a worksheet on the person and their background. Get to know them because you are stuck with them for the next 24 weeks!"

Noise grew in the classroom. I was dumbfounded. I had a wonderful boyfriend. I had so much going for me. I refused to let some punk rock goof off get in the way of my attempt at happiness.

"Looks like it's just you and me babe." Wylie laughed at his own comment.

"You are such a pain. Why can't I just get rid of you for two seconds!" I was shocked at what I had just said.

"Ya know, I'm not as bad as you think I am. There's a lot more to me than a mohawk and loud mouth. I'm human. I have feelings too." He stood up and walked over to the beanbag chair in the corner of the room.

"I guess so." I whispered to myself. This might be harder than I thought.