New To The Feeling

I Don't Dance

Wylie and I were the last ones in the limo, therefore we were sitting in the back facing forward towards the driver. Jake, Jana, Beth and Greg were all talking among themselves while Wylie and I sat awkwardly in the back. I fluffed and smoothed my gown countless times before Wylie grabbed my hand and looked me firmly in the eyes.

“Stop that.” He commanded.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I couldn’t tell whether he was kidding or serious. It didn’t matter, either way. I was focused on his hand holding mine. He kept his glare, before he recognized the excitement in my face. At that moment, he immediately let go. I smirked shyly and turned to face the window. As I raised my hand to my face to rest it I took notice of the corsage around my wrist. It was a beautiful red rose speckled with a few babies breath and a black ribbon. The black ribbon was a touch of Wylie. It was almost like his signature on the corsage to let me know he actually picked it out.

The drive came and went. It wasn’t long before we had arrived at the restaurant for dinner. Jana had picked it out and we all agreed. I figured she knew more about nice restaurants than I did. I believe Beth agreed with me. The majority of the dinner portion of the night was spent in awkward silence and uncomfortable glares. No one really knew what to say beyond their own date. I sat smashed between my boyfriend and my prom date, awkwardly humming to myself. Jake spoke to Jana more often than to me, while Wylie picked at his food, never uttering a word. The whole while, Beth and Greg were completely self-sufficient and had an entertaining conversation. I only knew this, because their discussing was speckled with laughter and showered in smiles.

Again it was into the limo and to the dance. We had finally arrived at the main destination. The prom was being held at the Long Beach Aquarium. We entered the large main room where a dance floor had been set up below a large flight of stairs. The far wall was a floor to ceiling glass window into a huge tank filled with fish, eels, and some sharks. Down a small hall to the right was more, smaller aquariums filled with jellyfish, crabs and all kinds of odd underwater dwellers. Back out into the main room there was a couple doors that lead into what look like small theater with a huge screen along one wall. They were showing Finding Nemo.

“That’ll be the make-out room.” Wylie whispered as we explored the prom with the rest of them. All I could do was giggle quietly.

After our excursion, somehow completely unknown to me, the group split. Beth and Greg had left in one direction and I believe I saw Jake and Jana head towards the dance floor but they were now out of site. I stood next to Wylie as classmates walked by and commented on my dress and nonchalantly giving my date a strange look. I could see Wylie shifting his weight uncomfortably. He didn’t like the attention, especially the negative attention. Its not that Wylie is shy, it is just that he doesn’t like certain kinds of acknowledgement, especially the kind where he is being looked down on, figuratively speaking.

“You, uh…” I stuttered. I didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know. I’m not the prom type.” He replied solemnly.

“We could...”

“Go outside?” Wylie finished my sentence, which was good because I didn’t know where I was going with that.


We stepped outside to a small patio pressed up against the marina on the other side of the aquarium. Unlike most couples at the dance, Wylie and I didn’t touch each other. We stood a foot apart at all times. In all honesty, it didn’t even look as though we were together. It made perfect sense, however. I was still with Jake and Wylie was just filler.

“You mad about Jake?” Wylie spoke suddenly as we sat on a bench facing the water.

“Huh?” I replied dumbly.

“Don’t play stupid, Sky.” Wylie snapped back.

“I don’t know!” I turned towards the ocean and crossed my arms in a huff.

“Don’t be like that.” He said coolly.

“Will you stop telling me what not to do?” Apparently there was a lot of built up anger and it was leaking out.

“Yeah.” At that, Wylie stopped talking.

I could feel myself becoming guilty. Wylie had agreed to take me to prom and here I was being terrible to him. Not only was I being mean, but I had just earlier decided to have the time of my life, with or without Jake by my side. Now I sat staring into a black night wearing an expensive dress and having no fun.

“Do you want to dance?” I said bluntly.

“Uh.” Wylie couldn’t speak. I knew he wasn’t much of the dancing type.

“I know you probably don’t want to, but I figure it’s better than sitting here and feeling miserable about the night.” I spoke without hesitation.

“Well, uh…” Wylie mumbled. There wasn’t many times when he was at loss for words.

“C’mon!” I jumped up and grabbed his hand. I refused to let this night go to waste.

I hurried into the main room and made my way through a crowd to the center of the dance floor. I managed to find a spot where I was surrounded by people I didn’t know too well. Jake and Jana were out of sight. Wylie stood there, towering over the sea of people. I began dancing and not very well I may add. Most people at these dances just look ridiculous trying to imitate the gross dance moves associated with MTV and music videos. I was more of the dorky type. I want to dance and have fun, not have sex on the dance floor.

Wylie swayed barely, pretending to dance while I flopped around like a fish on dry land. I knew I looked stupid, but I figured it would loosen up Wylie. I’m not sure if it was working.

“C’mon.” I whined loudly.

“I don’t dance.” He rebuked.

“But you should!” I tried to convince him.

At that moment the music faded into a slow song. I knew this was coming, but I wasn’t sure that was what I wanted. Everyone around us had already grabbed their date and held them close. I stood a foot from Wylie looking around anxiously at the crowd. Wylie suddenly grabbed my waist and held me close. He then grabbed my right hand. My head was leaning against his chest as we danced slowly.

“I’m sorry I’m not more fun.” He apologized.

I leaned back a bit to look at him, “Don’t be sorry. I’m not that fun either.”

“Yeah you are. You just have reason to be mad right now.” He commented.

“Oh please don’t bring that up again.” I huffed.

“Sorry.” He repeated.

“Stop saying that!” I yelled playfully.

Before long, the music returned to the upbeat genre it had been earlier. This time Wylie joined in on the dancing with me. We laugh and shimmied and acted ridiculous the entire time. I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having. I had completely forgotten about Jake and Jana. My mind was clear from all anger and I was just there to dance and be silly. My mother would have been proud.

This is how prom is supposed to be!
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