New To The Feeling

He'll Get Over It

The rest of prom had gone wonderfully. I had fun, just like I expected. I planned on enjoying myself and in looking back on it, I did. I had my concerns. I really did. I had no idea whether I would managed to make it all night knowing that Jake was off with Jana. I was sure it would have driven me crazy, but somehow being with Wylie kept my mind off of it. Of course, the ride home was different.

“So, how much fun was that!?” Beth squeaked.

“Amazing.” Greg responded. Ugh, he so likes her.

“It was definitely good.” I said in a moderately happy voice.

“What are we doing now?” Jake chimed in.

There was an awkward pause before I spoke up, “We could just go back to my house.”

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement except for Wylie. I glanced at him and he blinked in a way that let me know it was ok. The rest of the car ride was quiet. I think it was because we were all so exhausted.

Jana sat quietly looking out the dark tinted window. She hadn’t said a thing since we got into the limo. Jake sat next to her, much closer than I would have preferred. Beth and Greg were giggling like they haven’t gotten enough sleep. Wylie and I just sat next to each other. I stared at Jake. I could see him acting a bit stranger than usual around Jana. He was staring at her in a way I did not approved. That jerk. How dare he? Right in front of me, too. I could feel my blood boiling under my skin. I must have looked mad because at that moment Wylie put his arm around my shoulder and pulled just a little. I looked at him and he mouthed ‘relax’. I rolled my eyes, causing Wylie to hold me tighter. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, but just made whispering noises and didn’t say anything.

“Play along.” He murmered.

At that, I began to giggle. I was writhing in my seat acting like I was entirely enjoying myself. Wylie continued to goof off with him arm slung over my shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair and poked at my overly poofy gown. The whole while I could feel Jake’s eyes burning on me. I knew he was watching and he was getting what he deserved. Eventually the playfulness stopped and we made our silent ride home.


We arrived at my house and the limo left promptly. I walked everyone inside. My house was quiet so I carefully lead everyone to the media room that is downstairs and not underneath anyone’s rooms so if we were too loud, no one would be disturbed. Everyone had brought extra clothes for themselves and we all changed. I ran upstairs to get into some pajamas and Beth followed.

“Should I grab movies, too?” I said after I had changed.

“Uh, sure.” Was Beth’s muffled reply as she pulled her shirt over her head.

“Ok, ummm… I have no idea what to grab.” I rummaged through a box in the bottom of my closet.

“Who cares?” Beth said happily, “So, how fun was tonight?”

I turned to face her and smiled, “Surprisingly fun. What’s up with you and Greg?”

Beth sighed and collapsed on my bed, “Oh, Sky, it’s finally happening. He finally likes me.”

“He said that?” I whipped around to look at her.

“Well, sorta.”

“Oh, whatever. It’s better than nothing I suppose.” I pulled out some movies blindly and headed towards the door.

“Sky?” Beth called. I stopped in the doorway.


“Are you gonna dump Jake?” She said it so calmly that I felt at ease even though it was a tough subject.

I thought a moment before responding, “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”

Beth and I made our way downstairs to the media room. Everyone look comfortable, except for Wylie. I was holding a stack of movies and rather than Jake running to help me, Wylie jumped up and grabbed half of them from me.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Just don’t leave me here with them again.” Wylie whispered as he nodded towards Jake and Jana.

This of course made me mad. I couldn’t help but be angry. What else was I supposed to do? I had given Jake every chance to be the wonderful boyfriend I knew he was and here he is missing it all. I just wish I was more brave. I’m never gonna be able to break up with him. I’m too chicken.

“So, what do you guys want to watch? I mean, if you want to watch anything.” I said nervously.

“Oh cool, let’s watch this!” Greg picked up the Ocean’s Eleven DVD.

Everyone agreed on it mostly, except Jana. She didn’t say anything. Wylie just shrugged. I headed towards the DVD player to turn it on when Wylie hollered at me.

“Why don’t you go get something to drink and eat, hostess.”

I turned around to give him a dirty look when he winked at me. I thought a moment.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Hey, Jake, can you come with me to get some stuff, you’re the only one who knows where everything is.” I said.

“Hey—“ Beth interjected, but I shot her a look that shut her up.

“Uh, sure.” Jake said.

We headed quietly to the kitchen and I began getting glasses and bowls to bring out popcorn and whatever else I could find. Jake moved in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I shifted uncomfortably and he let go.

“What’s wrong, hun?” Jake whined a tad.

“Shhhh,” I hushed him, “Look, we need to talk, but you have to keep it down.”

“Ok.” I could see that he was unsure.

“I’m gonna make this simple,” I took a deep breath and continued, “ I gave you every chance to make things right. I gave you everything you needed to be the good boyfriend I know you are, or you were. Basically, we’re through.”

Jake stood shocked. He hadn’t heard me so sure of myself before. When I was with him I was just there. I was just his girlfriend for him to smother and manipulate when he wanted. I wasn’t going to put up with it anymore.

“But—“Jake tried to fight.

“No. There’s nothing you can do to change this. I’m done. I mean, for God’s sake, you took another girl to your senior prom! What kind of boyfriend does that?”

“We’re just friends.” He tried again.

“That doesn’t matter. You still didn’t take me. We’re through and I’m not changing my mind. I have a lot of people backing me on this descision.”

“Oh, who? Your charity project?” Now I was furious.

“He is my friend. NOT my charity project. I have really good reason to be trying to become his friend and I don’t plan on telling you about it.”

“You can’t dump me.”

“Leave, Jake. Take Jana and leave.” I was through. I wasn’t going to put up with it anymore.

Jake shifted his weight and his eyes were like fire. I was scared, but I wouldn’t let him know that. Jake stomped out of the room as I followed carefully behind him and stopped when I saw Jake push past Wylie. Wylie was leaning against the doorway to the media room. He was smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back.

Jake left the house with Jana in tow. He didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t even try. I was sad, but relieved more than anything. I wasn’t sure how things would work out in the end of it, because I knew that I had only lit the match. Jake was soon to be burning with fury.

“He’ll get over it.” Wylie’s encouraging voice soothed my nerves.

I rolled my eyes and went back into the media. I apologized to Beth and Greg for the fighting. They both just replied with a “No, thank you for finally dumping him.” I couldn’t help but laugh. We watched the movie. It was about 3 AM when it was over, but none of us knew that. We had all fallen asleep. Greg and Beth were stretched out on the floor with pillows. Little did I know, I had fallen asleep on Wylie’s chest on the couch. I had weird dreams that night. I think they were because of the fight and prom. Well, maybe it was the movie. I though I was trying to steal a bunch of money from a horse racing track.
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