New To The Feeling

The Secret Is Out

The sound of sirens pierced my ears causing my head to throb. It was then that I noticed the rest of me was throbbing also. I could feel myself drifting in and out of conscienceness, but I wished I would just stay out… then it wouldn’t hurt. Before I knew it I was being tended to by nurses. All the commotion had me confused and then I was out again.


I took a deep breath and exhailed in pain. My chest was tight and my body was stiff with soreness. My eyes flickered a bit and I finally came to.

“Oh finally the medicine wore off. I was so worried you would be out for days. How you feelin’, baby?” A southern voice said as it faded in and out.

I opened my eyes fully to a bright room. The window blinds were open letting in sunlight. I was covered in blankets, lying on an uncomfortable bed. I immediately recognized the smell of a hospital.

“Hi, princess.” My father’s deep force beckoned.

All I could do was turn to face them. They both smiled. It took a moment for me to realize what was going on. I couldn’t pinpoint how I had gotten in the hospital and why I hurt so much. I tried to think, fighting back the pain in my temples. Suddenly in waves, all the images came back…

A hand reached out the door and wrapped around Wylie’s neck.

His stepfather threw Wylie to the ground, smashing his head against concrete walkway.

I wrapped my arms around his stepfather’s neck.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, wrapping on arm around my waist and holding me pressed against him.

“You’re a pretty little thing.”

I realized Wylie had managed to get up and pull him away from me.

Wylie took a fierce blow to the temple, knocking him cold to the floor.

He kicked me in the back of the head and my vision began to tunnel.

“You worthless little tramp.”

I gasped as my parents watched me closely.

“It’s ok, sweetie.” My mother tried.

Tears began to pool in my eyes. I cannot believe that all this was happening. Everything that had every happened to Wylie, had now happened to me. I had front row seats to what he’s been living. I wanted to scream. I wanted to kick. I was bound to throw a fit at some point, but now all I could think about was one thing.

“Where’s Wylie?” I said frantically, trying to sit up.

“Princess, lie down. He’s in the next room.” My father replied.

“I need to see him!” I yelled.

“No, baby, just wait.” I stuggled against my parents.

“How is he?” I choked through tears still trying to get up.

My mother pushed me down lightly, “Sweetie, he’s worse than you. You’ll be able to leave soon, they just needed to make sure you weren’t having any internal bleeding. Wylie, however, took two extremely hard knocks to his head and had to have surgery to remove a large clot. He’s lucky to be alive.”

“Where’s Garret?!” I was now screaming.

“He’s locked away. He’ll be receiving child abuse charges and possibly attempted murder charges along with a handful of other things, thanks to the cocaine they found in his room.” My father sounded proud to be giving me this news.

I leaned back again on the bed only thinking of Wylie. His poor head. I blinked hard and rubbed my eyes. My vision blurred and then came into focus. I had just now realized it was doing that a lot.

“Mom? I can’t get my eyes to focus.” I said anxiously.

“I know. The doctor said by the looks of it, you were hit in the back of the head where your eyes are controlled. He said you’d regain full vision in a few days. Nothing permanent.” My mother was so calm that I had to relax. What else was I to do?


The following day I was set for release. The doctors were no longer concerned for my condition. I could stand and walk. Other than soreness, nothing hurt too bad. I escaped with no broken bones and only cuts and bruises minus the blow to the head that made me want to squint all the time.

As we began to walk out of the hospital I told my parents I had to see Wylie first. He didn’t have anyone to visit him and I needed to let him know that I would be back to see him. My parents had also agreed to take him into our home and take care of him while he recovered from surgery over the next couple weeks, being that he had nowhere else to go any longer. The police arrested Garret and charges were pressed immediately. He didn’t have a very high bail, but there was no one around to pay for it, so jail is where he would stay.

I entered his room slowly as to not startle him. I sat in a chair across the room from his bed. He was laying perfectly still. His head was wrapped up and I could see where his surgical wound was oozing. It was saddening to see, but I needed to see him. I needed to know he was still alive. That was the only thing I was worried about. Wylie sturred in his bed and finally turned to look at me. His eyes were steal grey instead his bright green I had grown used to. His skin looked pail and faded with no warmth in his cheeks. A tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly snatched it so he wouldn’t see me upset.

“Hi.” I whispered.

“Are you ok?” He asked. It sounded so normal.

“I’m ok besides some blurred vision. How are you feeling?” I didn’t know how to ask all this.

“I’d feel better if you would move that chair over here.” Wylie pointed next to the bed.

I managed to move the chair I was in next to the bed. I looked down at his frail arm and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it tightly to let me know that his strong willed self was still in there. It is amazing how with every touch, I can understand him even more, even if there is no words. I reached forward and placed a hand on his cheek.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“You’re sorry? Why would you be sorry?” He retaliated in good ole’ Wylie fashion.


“Nothing,” he interrupted, “I’m sorry for my crazy step father.”

I suddenly watched his face change. He was fairly upbeat until this moment. His eyes drooped and his head hung. He released his grip on my hand though I didn’t let go. I could see something was brewing in him.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Everyone is going to know.” He said simply.

“Know what?”

“Where the bruises came from.” He turned away.

“Wylie, that is not important. I should have told someone long before, but I’m too chicken. You would have hated me if I told, but you would have been safer.”

“I would never hate you. You’re right. I should have let you tell someone. You’re getting more back-bone everyday. That’s what I’ve been working on.”

“What do you mean, working on?” I was now fully confused.

“I love you dearly, but you needed to break out. You were too complacent. You just went with the flow.” He stated.


That is where the conversation came to a screeching halt. I told him I had to go and I’d be back tomorrow. Then the following day we would bring him to my house to take care of his poor head.

I left the room frustrated. He’s just been trying to change me. He’s been turning me into someone I’m not. I knew I didn’t really need fixing. I know I could be non-confrontational, but that wasn’t always a bad quality in people. I don’t like fights. That’s all there is to it. He would just have to love me for who I am no matter what. The worst part was, I didn’t know if I even liked him, or just liked the attention.

Little did I know, I’d be receiving a lot more attention soon.
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