New To The Feeling


My beast of a car rattled down the road. The streets were quiet today. It was 12:27 PM and usually the business lunch run happened right about then. I wasn't paying much attention to the cars and people around me. The day had started out pretty awful, but I could tell the rest of it was going to be a really good day.

I waited at the light to make a left into my complex. I lived with my parents, older brother, and younger sister. My parents had been married for 22 almost 23 years. My older brother moved out a couple months ago. He's 22 years old and is majoring in business and advertising. He's had a steady girlfriend for over 2 years and I don't see much of him anymore. My younger sister is 12. She doesn't do much. She plays softball and hockey. She's quite the tomboy but totally a heartbreaker. She's a cute petite blonde and I know she'll be homecoming queen in high school.

I have the infamous middle child syndrome. It’s supposedly where you feel unwanted and no one notices you. Its actually not as bad as its made out to be. I like to be alone and unnoticed for the most part anyway. I have a supporting family, great friends and Jake. It can't be that bad.

I drove past my house to make a u-turn in the cul-de-sac so that I could park in front of my house. I had seen the black Magnum parked around the corner but it didn't register right away. No one was home at this time, but I had a visitor. I parked my car and shut it off. I got out and walked towards the porch. Jake sat in the swinging chair my dad put up that past summer.

"Hi." I said simply, "I wasn't expecting you."

"I know." He was playing with a tennis ball that had been lying on the porch for at least a week. "I just wanted to see you." He smiled his flawless smile.

"What’s up?" I put my purse and binder on the floor and sat on the steps.

"Nothing really." He was fidgety. I could tell something was on his mind and that scared me. He stood up and sat down next to me, leaning his head on his hands and elbows on his knees.

"Nothing really?" I looked at him but he didn't respond. "What’s bothering you?"

"I don’t' know." Jake looked down at his shoes and half smiled. " I guess it’s just that... when I saw that guy in your car I guess I was... I don't know." He fumbled with the tennis ball. "I just can't imagine you with someone else and the thought of it got me really nervous and angry all at the same time..." He trailed off.

I looked down at my right hand. Jake's class ring wrapped majestically around my thumb. He had given it to me to wear on our 1 year anniversary. It had been a year and two months now. I was loyal to Jake. Although I was flattered by his jealousy it still slightly angered me that he didn't have faith in me.

"Jake, that guy in my car is my English partner for a project. He needed a ride home." I gazed at his pail face. He had dark circles under his eyes. "Jake, what are you so afraid of?"

My mind immediately flashed to Wylie when I asked Jake that question. I so badly wanted to ask Wylie what he was afraid of. Wylie was so obnoxious and rude. From what I can tell that’s just the fear and that’s how he hides it. What was Wylie afraid of? Why the mohawk? Why so many rude comments? Why was he so hostile sometimes?

I came back to reality and realized all over again that something was bothering Jake. He looked at me and smiled. he placed his hand on my knee.

"Skylar, I know you mean no harm. I really do know that. I would never suspect you of cheating."

I was shocked. He said he would never suspect me of cheating but obviously it crossed his mind because he wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise.

"I trust you." He said. I smiled and stood up. I picked up my stuff and walked to the door. I unlocked it and placed my binder and purse inside. When I walked back out Jake was walking down the walkway.

"Jake." I said, catching his attention. He turned to look at me. "Come here."

I stepped down one step. Jake stood on the step below me so that I was his height. He wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggle his face into my neck. I put my hand on the back of his head and the other around his shoulder. He sighed and mumbled something into my shirt. I giggled, not knowing what he said.

"What was that?" I asked through my giggles.

Jake lifted his head and looked me square in the face. "You're awesome." I threw my head back and laughed. "No really Sky, you are. I mean, you never even flinched when I told you my concern. What girl would do that?"

"Me?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, you!" He pinched my sides and I laughed while trying to escape from his grasp. "I won't ever let you go Skylar Fox." He smiled. I smiled. Jake placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me lightly. "Bye sweetheart."

"Bye." I waved and turned to walk into my house.

I closed the door and leaned on the wall...

I wonder what Wylie's doing...