New To The Feeling

The Cemetary

I walked into my house to find it completely empty. The computer had been left on along with the television. I walked past a mess in the hallway and to my room. My room was green with a while crown molding. My futon for a bed was a mess and all of the drawers were hanging out of my dresser from when I was trying to find something to wear this morning. I reached for my cd playing and plugged my ears with the head phones. I was in my own world now.

Ring... RIIIINNNGG.....

"Hello?" I said

"Hi." a voice came from the phone.

"Who is this?"

" Uh, its Wylie."

"Why are you calling so soon." I was in shock. I couldn't believe he'd called so soon. His voice was strained. I couldn't tell why though.

"You sound like you're losing your voice." Oh that’s nice of me.

"I know you just dropped me off, but I need someone to come get me."

"What for?"

"I can't really tell you right now. Please just come." He was desperate. I could hear it." Yeah. I'll be there in a minute." I became worried. "Hold tight. I'm leaving now"

I hung up the phone without saying goodbye. I grabbed my keys and left. Why would he call me? Why would he think I should come get him? And better yet, why was I going? Ludicrous I tell you.

I jumped in my car, once again, and drove off. I couldn't remember how to get to his house, but I somehow managed. I was speeding, I could feel it. I wasn't paying attention though. Why am I so drawn to him?

Before I knew it, I had arrived. Wylie was crouched on the curb holding something over his eye. I squinted. I parked in front of him and jumped out of the car. Something was wrong.

"Wylie! Are you ok?" I was more worried than I realized.

"Uh..." He acted as if he didn't know I was coming.

"Wylie. What's wrong?"

I was shocked. Wylie looked up at me for the first time with absolute desperation and pain in his face. I could see into his eyes. I could see what he was thinking. However I was taken back by the large black and purple ring around his left eye. His face was scraped slightly and his lip was bleeding. I could see a bump beginning to rise over his right temple.

"Wylie..." I couldn't speak. I had nothing to say anyway.

"Can I get ride?" His voice was quiet and normal, and quiet.

" Yes." That’s all I said before I got into the car. I didn't know what else to say anyway.

We got into the car. He stumble into his seat and buckled his belt, although it wasn't the current worry. I looked at him astounded.

"What?!" He snapped at me.

"I... nothing." I couldn't believe it. And then, there tears began. But for once it wasn't me doing the crying.

Tears fell down his face silently as his expression twisted from anger to sadness and back again. I was in shock. I didn't know what to do, until I began to cry to. I was crying for him, but I didn't know why. I mean, I knew something happened to him, and it wasn't just a fight with a peer.

Through tears I managed to gather a few words, "Wylie, lets get out of here. Where do you wanna go?"

"The cemetery."

I turned the key to start the car and made a u-turn. I didn't know why I was going to the cemetery, but I most definitely wasn't going to question it. I don't know why I was feeling for him the way I was, but I did it anyway. I don't know why... but Jake wouldn't approve.

We arrived at the cemetery and I parked the car. Cemeteries had always freaked me out a little bit. I wasn't so comfortable with walking of grass that hid the bodies of the dead. It sounded like a horror movie to me. Only bad things come from cemeteries.

Wylie walked confidently in front of me still holding a bag of ice over his eye. He came to a stop at a small headstone beneath a tree. He knelt down and hunched over convulsing in sobs. How could this boy who is so tough be this way? How?

I stood in shock. Not asking, just watching. He needed to cry. Apparently I was the one he felt comfortable crying in front of. This rude, uncouth boy has a softer side.