New To The Feeling

The Fight

I drove. I don't know where, I don't know how. But I did. He sat in the seat next to me watching the road, not blinking.

"Wylie, where am I going?" I asked, frustrated with the situation.

"I don't…" Wylie began to scream profanity after profanity. I was in shock. I pulled the car over into a parking lot, shut it off, pulled out the keys, forcefully opened the door and stormed over to the passenger door frantically thrusting it open. I don't know how I did it, but I pulled Wylie out of the car by his shirt and pushed him onto the curb where he tripped and fell.

"Wylie, you've gotta stop. Where are we going? Because if you ever pull something like that around me ever again, you will never see the light of day again."

Wylie sat and stared at me. His mouth was pierced together tightly and his eyes wide with rage. He jumped up and walked menacingly toward me. He stopped inches from my face, raised his hand.... I flinched.

But no strike. No blow. I opened my eyes and Wylie was walking away.

"WYLIE!" I screamed." How dare you?"

"What? Did you think I would hit you after I just got beat? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK I WOULD DO THAT?"

I didn't know. I didn’t know what to say. He walked away. He walked toward the street.

Tears fell from my eyes, but I didn't know why. My whole body was shaking. I didn't know why. A car drove up behind me and the driver got out.


I turned quickly to see a comforting face.

"Jake!" I was ecstatic to see someone whom I knew would never abandon me.

"Skylar, what happened?"

"Wylie's father and his mother and..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I began to sob.

"C'mon, get in my car, you can come over to my house, we'll get your car later." Jake wrapped his arms around me tightly. He kissed me on the forehead.

"How did you know where I was?"

"I didn't trust him. I followed you."

I smiled through tears. He hugged me again and I felt safe for the first time in several hours.
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Sorrrry... I wrote this story a while ago and when I was copying them over from word, I apparently skipped this chapter, so, this should fill in a little gap in time. Thanks.

Comments appreciated.