New To The Feeling

I Can Fix Him

I sat silently in Jake's car just listening to the road beneath the tires. Before I knew it, we had arrived at his house. Jake pulled up to the curb and shut the car off. We sat for a moment before he looked at me and stroked a hand through my hair. I wasn't crying anymore, but it felt like I was. The scariest part was... I wasn't upset for me. I was scared of what Wylie did or Wylie might do. I was scared for Wylie. I had left my car in a parking lot and Wylie was walking down the street.

"You can't fix everyone, Skylar." Jake's voice was calm and soothing.

"I made a promise..." I began, but Jake interrupted.

"You can't fix everyone."

"NO!" I screamed, scaring myself, "I promised that I would never leave anyone behind."

"You can't fix everyone." Jake repeated himself again.

"Stop saying that, Jake! I don't care that I can't fix everyone, but I can try! I can be loving and caring and an example..." I began to sob again. Jake wrapped his arms around my trembling shoulders. I cowered into his chest.

Jake walked me into his house, but only after assuring me that no one would be there until later that evening. We stepped into the open foyer of his house. Two curved staircases lined the walls with a walkway placed in-between them. The marble floors reflected the afternoon sun. I was familiar with Jake's house and always felt at home. We walked to the living room in the back of the house, adjacent to the kitchen. I laid on the couch, taking up the full length. Jake made his way to the kitchen pouring us both a glass of water. He brought it over to me and placed it on the coffee table. My face was buried in my arms. I felt his hand run the length of my back.

What is wrong with me? I thought to myself. My mind was reeling with the story Wylie had told me. It was so terrible but so surreal. I didn't want to believe him, but I was afraid that if I didn't something worse would happen. I was the only one who knew about this and if I didn't continue to pursue his story, something worse could happen. I imagined what Wylie's stepfather looked like. I can only imagine a sloppy man, unshaven face, bulging stomach and unkempt hair. Before I knew it I was sleeping, then the dream began...

I walked quietly on the shore listening to the waves crash with the sand. The wind danced through my hair. Up ahead there was a cove, I made my way through the rocks and climbed up to the top of the cliff. The ocean lay below me slowly churning. I turned to see what was behind me. There stood Jake. He walked to me and stood inches from my face. When I looked into his eyes, I didn't see the blue I was so used to, but the crisp green....It was Wylie's eyes

My eyes snapped open; I looked around the room in panic. I was in Jake's room. His room was on the bottom floor; he must have carried me there and lay me on his bed so that I wouldn't be disturbed. I sat up. My head was pounding. The room was a slow grey, much like the way it is early in the morning, but it was evening. I looked to the clock in his room. The red numbers read 5:14. I rubbed my face and stood up. I opened the door slowly to make sure no one was around. I tiptoed to the bathroom and spruced myself up. I wanted to make sure I looked presentable to his family when I saw them, instead of a freaked out mess. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Uh... one second." I stuttered.

"Don't worry. It’s just me. No one else is here." Jake responded.

I opened the door to the bathroom and look straight into Jake's blue eyes. He smiled, leaned in and kissed me so lovingly I could have melted on the spot. I left my eyes closed for a moment. Jake pulled me up against his chest holding me as if he'd never let go. I pushed away from him and ran passed him. I ran out the front door.

"Sky!" Jake yelled after me, "Skylar."

When I reached the sidewalk I stopped. I dropped to the ground. I took a deep breath and as Jake reached me I stood up and faced him with a new resolve.

"I'm going to help him." Jake began to speak but I continued, "You're right, maybe I can't fix him, but I have to try. He trusted me with some extremely fragile information. I can't just let that stop. He was mad, but he has the right! He wouldn't hurt me. I know it."

"You might know it, but I'm not so sure." Jake looked nervous.

"He won't."

"How do you know? You can't possibly know! I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. He's not some mission, he's not some 'good deed of the day'."

"I don't care." I stated blandly.

My mind wandered to the cemetery and the headstone. The engraved letters stood silent and clear in my mind. I knew where to begin.

"I need to get my car and then I need to get to a florist."
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