Status: Active

Are You Having a Good Time, Sweetheart?



I jumped out of bed and pulled on my boxers. “Can’t we try?” I whispered. Sky, who was fully dressed at this point, sighed. “Which part of ‘calling a lawyer to get a divorce’ don’t you understand Alex? We can’t do this. If we get back together one of us is going to end up hurting the other and I don’t think my heart can take that again. Why can’t you just leave the past alone? Why can’t you just move on?” her voice getting louder every second until the point she was screaming at me.

“Move on?” I yelled back. “Move on to what? You’re the only one for me Sky, always have, always will. So don’t tell me to forget the past, because then you’d be asking me to give up all the best memories I have! Remember that one time in the car? Remember the song I wrote about that night? Or that one time we spend the whole night just talking? Or how about this one: You’re first night in Baltimore? The night we slept with each other the first time. The night you lost your virginity to me!”

Sky was biting her lip, while quiet tears streamed down her face. “Why? Why do you even want me? I’m just a screw up Alex, you said it yourself. You can do so much better than me.” Her voice breaking a few times as she spoke.

“I don’t want anyone else Sky. I love you. I know you screwed up, but who hasn’t? I’ve seen you at your worst, but I’ve also seen you at your best. You can get better, you did it before.”

Sky through her head back and laughed. “You’ve seen me at my worst? No Alex, you haven’t. You’ve seen be struggle with my drug use, the dead of my only friend, having to choose between the two person I love the most in this world, you’ve seen me losing my daughter. That have been low points.

But have you seen me twirling around a pole for money, just to get my fix? Have you seen me cry myself to sleep every night after you left with Hailey? Have you seen me almost trying to kill myself in the bathroom of a restaurant because I missed you so much? NO! You haven’t. Because if you had we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” She was standing only inches away from me.

“I kept you from jumping off a bridge at the beginning of the tour! And I’m still here. Doesn’t that count for anything to you?” We were so close our noses were almost touching. She was quiet for a second, so I continued my rant. “You know what, maybe you’re right. Maybe we shouldn’t be together. Here’s an idea, I’ll leave you alone, on one condition.” I proposed.

“And what might that be.” Sky asked cautiously. “Tell me you don’t love me anymore.” I challenged. “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me anymore. Because the second you do that I know there’s no hope for us, until than I won’t give up the fight.”

Sky looked my dead in the eye, but didn’t say a word. “SAY IT!” I yelled. “I can’t.” She whispered, her voice barely audible. “Good.” I breathed and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer, before smashing my lips on hers.

She kissed back immediately, lost in the memories of every kiss we’d shared. After a few seconds she pulled away forcefully. “I can’t.” She said and ran out of the room.


The next two days I didn’t see Sky anywhere. I also hadn’t heard anything from a lawyer, so there was still hope. I bumped into Andrew. “Oh, hey Andrew, have you seen Sky?” Then I noticed the look on his face. “Hey what’s wrong?” He sighed. “It’s Sky, I’m actually on my way to get her. She’s in jail.”

“In jail! How.. Why… What…” I stammered. “She got arrested for possession of drugs. Nothing big, only a couple of joints. I was just going to get her and pay her bail.” “Wait, let me get her.” I explained Andrew what happened a couple of night ago and the plan that was now forming in my head.

“That might even work you know.” Andrew chuckled. “I sure hope it does.” I nodded. Suddenly Jack appeared out of thin air. “Hey guys what’s up?” We quickly explained the situation to him and he laughed.

“Wait a second.” I suddenly remembered something. “You two had something to do with what happened in Vegas, didn’t you? I saw you two looking at me and Sky when we left the club.” Jack rubbed his neck. “Uhm, yeah.. We got you two drunk.” “You what!” I yelled angrily. “We just wanted you two to get back together.” He squeaked defensively ducking away behind Andrew.

“You guys are idiots.” I laughed, shaking my head. “Anyways I’m gonna go get Sky.”


“Hello.” The officer behind the desk looked up. “I’m here for Sky Smith.” “You’re here to pay her bail?” “Maybe, can I talk to her first?” He nodded and leaded me through a door and stopped in front of one of the cells. “Here you go.”

Sky looked up. “Alex? What are you doing here? I called Andrew to pick me up.” I smirked at her. “Well, I convinced him to let me go instead of him.” Sky gave me a suspicious look. “And why would you do that?” “Because baby, I’m here to offer you a deal. I pay your bail if you give this marriage thing a shot and actually do your best to make it work.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And what exactly do you mean with ‘giving it a shot’?” “A year, take it or leave it.” Her eyes widened. “A year!? Hell no!”

I shrugged. “That’s the deal. I get you out of here if you stay married to me for a year .” “And after that?” “We’ll see what happens. If you still wanna leave, you can go, I won’t stop you. If you wanna stay with me and Hailey, you stay.”

She looked at me thoughtful for a second, before sighing. “Fine! I’ll give this marriage a shot and try to make it work. Now get me out of here!”

I smirked as the officer released her. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go wifey.” I chuckled. Sky huffed, but didn’t say anything.

Once we were outside she turned to me. “Now what?” I kissed her, leaving her a little shocked when I pulled away. “Now we need to tell our friends we’re married.”
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Don't you just love Alex for doing that :) I know I do.

Now the story can actually start. :) Any predication as for what's gonna happen next?

comments = update

Love Felicia.