Scared and Confused ©


“Mom,” I asked “Where’s Adam?”

Her eyes welded up with tears and she walked away. I turned to my dad who looks like he has tried so hard to stay strong, yet you can see that he has been crying. He looks at me with his puff red rimmed eyes knowing I’m waiting for an answer, but I know he’s standing there trying to find the right words to say where he went. The only reason why I’m so curious to where he is is because he was my twin. Adam and I did everything together; I mean his friends were my friends; we would go to parties together, I mean we were inseparable. He was like my best friend.

“Hadiya, dear,” He paused. I can see the pain in his eyes deep down in there; I can see he’s scared to tell me, yet he utters those words that I dreaded to hear. “Hadiya, Adam and you were in a terrible car accident. They found you, still in the car, scratched, bruised, and in need of surgery. They found Adam; he was ejected from the car, when he slid across the pavement, it tore his skin off his arms, legs and face, all you see is his bone.” He said shaking.

He had to stop, his eyes started to weld up with tears, that’s when I knew for sure my twin was gone. I lay there bawling my eyes out, thinking to myself “Why me?” My door opens the first person I think it is the doctor. I don’t want to look at the door but my head turns and my eyes catch his; no not the doctors but I’m looking into the eyes of my best friend, Aden. He’s like my second brother; when something went wrong he knew how to fix it; when my first boyfriend broke up with me, he taught him a lesson. He’s always there for me.

I slowly try to sit up, hoping I don’t pop my stitches. Aden notices I’m struggling and runs over to help me sit up. He stands there for a bit, not sure what to say, then slowly walks around my bed and sits. I want to ask him if he knows the whole story about what happened, but there’s something holding me back, yet my mouth utters those words.

“Do you know everything that happened?” I asked, quickly realizing I asked that and slapped myself on the head. After I did that I knew it was a bad idea, because there was instant pain that shoots to my brain then down my whole body. I clench my teeth in pain and Aden quickly stands up.

“I’m fine; sit down,” I assured him. “Now please answer my question.”

“Hadiya,” He pauses. I know what he’s going to say “I don’t think you’re ready to hear more.” I quickly stop him before he can continue.

“Don’t, I know what you’re going to say already.”

He looks at me puzzled, yet knows he should’ve seen that coming. We sit in silence for about ten minutes until my door slams open. My head turns so fast I pull a muscle, but the pain soon fades when I see . I want to get up and run into his arms but I know I’m not capable to do that. I can tell that he has been crying, not only by just looking at him; I can see he’s crying now. I look at Aden, he gets up, smoothes my cheek with his figure, like my brother would do if I was crying or when I was happy. I watch him walk out as takes his seat.

“Hey Hun, how do you feel?” He asked grabbing my hand and rubbing his thumb back and forth.

“I’m doing fine, hurts to sit but I can’t lay down forever.” I said laughing a little hoping I could lighten up the mood, where he didn’t feel bad anymore. I take a look at his face and I can tell he’s happy to see I’m doing well, yet sad that I’m in this condition.

“That’s very true.” He replied smirking.

I don’t want to say anything about how I can see the pain in his eyes, but I want to reassure him that everything is ok. I can tell he is nervous because his hands start to shake; he wants to ask something, only way I know is by his facial expression.

“What do you want to ask and don’t tell me you have nothing to ask.”

“Hadiya I don’t think I should.” He said looking at me; worried, scared.

“Mason,” I stared speaking quietly, teeth clenched. “Tell me what you were going to ask.”
Trying to act calm is something that I was never good at. He looks at me knowing I want to explode on him, but he knows I can’t.

“Hun,” He paused. I stare at him reading his facial expression. I can tell he wants to say it but doesn’t know how to put it. “Hun, where’s your brother?” He answered.

I froze; I didn’t expect that at all. My eyes started to fill with tears, I tried turning away but Mason was right there on my bed, holding me, brushing my hair. I didn’t care how much pain my body was in, but the pain of my brothers’ death took the place of it. I’ve never experienced so much pain in my life until now, losing your brother, your best friend, changes you.

There was a knock at my door, I turn to see who it is and it’s my doctor. Mason quickly lets go and flies into his chair, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him move that fast before.

“Hadiya, how are you feeling?” He asked, concerned.

“Good.” I replied as pain shot down my spine.

I wince at the shock of it. Dr. Hillsboro walks over to my bed; he closely examines me. I start to get nervous.

“Have you tried walking yet?” He asked.

“No.” I answered. I didn’t know what else to say.

He walks closer, throws my blankets back and says “Walk.”

I swing my legs down and my feet touch the ice cold floor. He pulls me up and I go flying to the window; I try to gain back my balance but I couldn’t, so my only option I had left was to grab for something, anything. My arm flies out and grabs onto a sweater, and I know that sweater anywhere. I turn and see it is Aden. He quickly pulls me up and starts to walk me to my bed. I crawl up onto the bed and lay down; lightheaded, dizzy.