Status: New ideaa, still undecided. But still... tell me how I can improve :) every little helps

Demons They Follow Me Cause My Insanity

'And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?'

I shrugged my jacket on, preparing myself to venture outside.
“You won’t find any food” Ky stated, handing me one of his rifles. Ky was in the army, he managed to break his way free from the attacking demons and bring drag himself back here with a broken leg. We lived in an abandoned building which had a small generator, which meant we had some of the only power in the county; we lived here with three other people James, Tristan and Clare who unfortunately all died around two weeks ago, fighting off the town folk who had got their hands on guns, and we’re trying to find their next meal.
“There’s always food Ky” I smirked, loading the weapon
“and what makes you think that, if there were food, I'm pretty sure someone would of eaten it by now” he threw me a two way radio “If you’re not back by sun down I want to know” he spoke giving me a stern look.
“Of course mum” I laughed and put the rifles strap over my head and held it behind me. “I should be back soon-ish, if I can’t find anything in the main town then im coming right back” he just smiled and motioned for me to go.
The normally green lush landscape was like a war zone, barbed wire lay strewn across the paths, the grey buildings stood tall and dull, it looked as if they were almost crying as broken pipes caused leaks and rats scurried around my feet.
I stepped out onto the main street, the air smelt stale and just wrong. Dead people were just lying around with small huddles of people around them picking off pieces of their flesh. The few people that were out hurried along the streets clutching their belongings.
I stalked my way across the old town, keeping my head down. A Lady in her thirties stumbled across the road, her clothes and skin black from dirt, the smell coming from her made me gag slightly; death, pee and sick. She twitched a few times mumbling “not me, not here, the salad!” she snapped her head up to look at me, peering at my face; her eyes were bloodshot and her face veiny, these were signs of cannibals. When you ate human the body fights off the infections from the flesh, causing delirium. I pushed her back gently with the barrel of the gun, she dropped to the floor and started crying “must stay clean must stay clean” poor bugger.
A sickening thump came from behind me, the same sound you heard when a body was dropped… you never forget something that scarred you, it permanently stores itself away and is never forgotten. I daren’t look back, we had a motto, if it wasn’t you then it wasn’t any of your business.
“Help me!” a strangled cry yelled out behind me. I kept walking, seeing a few people glance at the sound, but this was not my place, we needed food “please!” my step faltered slightly “Anyone!” I caved turning round knowing Ky would be annoyed.

A teenage boy curled up on the floor crying was a heart breaking sight. His left arm from the elbow had been ripped off, blood was spurting out of the wound like a fountain, a large gaping hole in his stomach and I knew he wouldn’t survive. Still I walked towards him and knelt beside him on the cold hard gravel holding the gun to my chest as I did so. “Thank you” he cried, tears streaming down his dirt covered face. I took his hand and looked around me, you’ve got to always be alert. “a-a-am I going to die?” he stuttered, his face considerably paler from blood loss, I sighed not really knowing what to say, I only wanted to be here so he didn’t die alone, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.
“You never know, modern science and all that” I said with a light tone, thanking the no existent god that he couldn’t see my face, he grimaced and coughed, blood sputtering out his mouth.
“if I'm going to die, please make it quick” he mumbled shuddering slightly. He looked longingly at the rifle in my hand… I was torn. If I used the rifle the loud shot would have everyone’s attention on me, but did I have the heart to just leave him here. I cursed myself as I stood up slowly
“Rest in peace buddy” I spoke softly raising the rifle, I brought it down quickly, slamming the butt against his skull, knocking him out instantly, blood splattered up my front… that was not pretty.
I looked up hoping to see some rain clouds to wash away the sickening air but instead something else caught my eye, a man around the age of twenty was kneeling on the edge of the building above me, his eyes bearing down upon me; he wore all black, even his hair was a long wave of black across his face… but that wasn’t what caught my attention, it was the giant black wings stretching from his back.
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I know its not long >.< but in the next chapter alot happens... makes up for it yes? and cheers for subscribing =]
Title credit : My chemical romance - Desert Song