

They say my name is Eve.

Some days I even believe them, but most days I honestly don't know. I know the name Eve, but I still feel odd every time that they call me that. It's as if I know someone named Eve, but it isn't me. I just have no proof that they're lying.

From my place in one of the "pear" trees I could see "God" and "Adam" talking. All the names sounded wrong. The names to things always sounded wrong. Everything seemed wrong. It had from the moment I had woken up. I leaned back against the tree trunk and squeezed my eyes tight.

I could remember the smell something that was a word I had once known. It had been a comforting smell though I knew that other people tended to hate it. The lights were bright, glaring at my eyes. Round lights that obliterated everything around them. I could hear a voice giving orders, a voice that I wanted to say was "God" but I wasn't sure.

I had woken up again, in the Garden. They call it Eden. Another name that seems to mean something to me. My body had been curled up in a ball, with "Adam" wrapped around me. He said that we had been created for each other, that we loved each other. I don't remember that though. And every time I look at "Adam" all I can feel is contempt. All I feel for him is hate.

"You should not be here."

A hand clapped down on my shoulder I spun around to see one of the SNAKES. They were always watching me and only sometimes Adam. Their eyes were usually black, their hair slicked back on their heads and something covering their bodies only exposing their heads.

Lucky bastards. I wish I had could have a covering like that. Maybe then "Adam" would stop staring at me the way that he does. I bowed my head and slipped down from the tree already knowing that he would tell "God" what I had been doing and then "God" would have a discussion would me.

I always came away bruised.

"Go," the SNAKE ordered staring down at me. There was something not quite cold, but not quite human in those eyes. Eyes that weren't black like they should have been. Eyes that were blue. A deep, dark blue. My brows furrowed in confusion and I opened my mouth. The moment I did, the look vanished. "Go!" he snapped. I jumped and ran, my bare feet slapping the leaves and dirt as I made for the only place I felt safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.

Alright so, the plan is that each chapter title will be a name and then the quote accredited to that person that I'm using for the chapter will be down in the author's note.