
Chinese Proverb

I knew I would have to come out eventually. I waited until it was dark though, like I always did. They hadn't found me in my hiding place yet and I wasn't going to help them find it either. It was the last thing that I could really claim as my own.

I moved down the slick rock slowly. I hadn't ever fallen, but that didn't mean that I couldn't. I knew better than that. I wasn't sure why I knew it, but it was one of the many things that I knew without a doubt. Just like I knew that even though they said my name was Eve, it wasn't. Or that their names weren't Adam and God. I even knew that the things that they had named weren't what they said they were. It was as if everything I knew was at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't find it.

My foot slipped and I let out half a cry as my body was flung against the rough rocks that made up the cliff face. I held tightly to the rocks as my bare feet scrambled to gain purchase. Instead of helping me, it allowed my fingers to slip even more until only my finger tips held me up. The mist from the waterfall splashed my face. The muscles in my arms strained. Absently my mind began to name those muscles. Deltoid, Biceps, Brachialis... Her mind continued even into the tiny muscles until her fingers finally gave up.

Even as I fell, I don't remember screaming. I think I wanted to, but I don't remember actually doing it. Instead I remembered closing my eyes and only regretting that I was dying before "Adam" and "God".

Instead of hitting the rocks as I thought I would, I fell into the water below, my naked body sinking until it slowly began to rise again. Arms wrapped around me pulling me upward. Two heads broke the surface taking in air. An arm remained curled under my breasts as the other moved away and my body was pulled towards shore.

I felt myself being laid out on the soft grass and a gentle hand pushed away my thick, wet hair to reveal blue eyes staring down at me. "Don't give up Alyssa." I knew that name. It sounded like...

I couldn't place it and before I could even say anything the blue eyes and the face that possessed them had vanished.
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“Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”