Letters to No One

Letter #1

To Whom It May Concern:

Would you look at a pitcher of clear liquid, and think that it’s water? I know most people would.

Would you go up to that pitcher, smell it, find it odorless, and still think it’s water? I know most people would.

Would you take a sip from that pitcher, let it go down your throat, and still think it’s water? I know most people wouldn’t.

Because what if that liquid wasn’t water, but a poison that’ll burn you after you drink it? What if it was Hydrochloric Acid?

What if you thought that about people?

I don’t like labels. I find that if you label something too quickly, you end up being wrong. I have never been labeled “Emo”, “Punk”, “Goth”, “Prep”, or anything else you can think of. I consider myself lucky.

I feel bad for the people that are labeled. Especially the ones who are labeled wrong. Like the kids who come in with bruises and cuts, and get called “emo.” Or the people who come in wearing white pants and a blue shirt, and get called a “prep.”

Cause what if they aren’t?

All of us are merely human, and are trying to just live. A role model of mine once said, “I think that being punk is a metaphor for life. Be unique, and always try to be different.”

I couldn’t disagree with them more.

What is punk? By definition in the dictionary, it is “a worthless person (often used as a general term of abuse).
• a criminal or hoodlum.
• derogatory (in prison slang) a passive male homosexual.
• an inexperienced young person; a novice.”

But what do people think when they hear that term? They think of drugs, loud music, alcohol, breaking the rules, rebellion, anarchy, tattoos, chains, piercing, razorblades, and dying at a young age.

So imagine if everyone in the world is trying to be different by being punk. Just imagine a world full of punks trying to get attention by doing drugs, drinking, and other obscenities.

Well, none of us are different anymore, are we?