Take My ***ing Hand

"Fall in Love with Me or I'll *** You!"

Running in high heels didn’t work out for me, considering I had bad balance and bad luck. The bell had already rang for third period to begin, and I was incredibly late. My second class was two floors below and on the other side of the school.

I skidded to a stop outside of room 309 and sighed in relief when I saw that Mr. Allen’s door was still open. From experience, I learned that if you weren’t there when the door was shut, you weren’t getting into his class.

I tried to nonchalantly sneak into his class, but it wasn’t really successful. “Ms. Willows, you’re late for my class,” Mr. Allen, my Chemistry II teacher, said.

I bit my lip. “Yeah, I’m sorry, my other class is on—“

“It’s fine, just take a seat.” I sighed in relief, before scanning over the room. There was one empty seat next to an unfamiliar face. I wasn’t really given an option, so I sat next to him. He was really cute, in a dorky kind of way.

I’ll need to tell Honey about the adorable nerd in my class. I knew how she’d respond: She’d roll her eyes, but have a smile on her face, and tell me to “Make a move, sexy! You got the booty!” That’s how she responded every time I’d tell her of a cute guy. I loved her for it. She could always make me laugh.

I dropped my purse on the ground next to my new seat. Mr. Allen started going over the procedures for class and whatever, because, you know, the rules are crazy and change every year. Please, note my sarcasm.

Last year, Mr. Allen was my Chemistry I teacher, so I didn’t pay any attention. Instead, I flipped open my notebook and started doodling. I wasn’t a great artist, but I was pretty good with calligraphy. That was basically it.

“Uh, I think your purse is singing.”

I looked over at the nerdy cutie-pie with a confused look on my face. “Huh?”

“I think your purse is singing. Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s playing Avenged Sevenfold. Crossroads, I think,” he stated, in a hushed tone.

I raised an eyebrow at him and leaned down to grab my purse. Needless to say, music was playing from inside of my purse. I dug around for my mp3 player. Even if it was the first day of school, my maroon Jack Skellington purse was already a mess. I felt my headphones and pulled it out (discretely, of course. God forbid I have music devices in school) and turned it off.

“Thanks. I’m Brenna,” I said, before dropping my purse back down to the ground.

“I’m Mikey,” he replied.

I smiled to myself. The cutie-pie nerd had a name. I needed to tell Honey.


"I am going to die laughing when you fall down a flight of stairs in those shoes!" Honey said, as she watched me skip around in high heels.

I stopped at stared at her, before bursting into fake tears. "I thought you loved me!"

"I do! But, it doesn't mean I won't laugh!"

I looked down at the high heeled shoes. "I don't like them. My mom wouldn't buy me normal shoes, because she thinks 'I need to be more feminine', so that I'll 'actually get a boyfriend'." I scoffed, making all of the air quotations. Boys don't care about what shoes you wear.

Honey placed a hand over her heart. "You're mother is trying to get rid of me?! I thought I was a great boyfriend!"

A few people walking by gave us funny looks. "You are! She just doesn't think you're man enough!"

We looked at each other, before dying laughing. "Where are we eating lunch at?"

"I don't know. Somewhere where people won't throw shit at us? Cuz, you know, last year, I had a lot of issues getting that lollipop out of my hair," I stated, before giggling slightly.

"Yep. What a way to end freshman year, right?"

I grinned at her. "They're just jealous you're my boyfriend and not theirs! Look at you! You sexy, girl!"

"I know!" she yelled, happily. "Look at my ass! It's greaaaat!"

A few more odd looks made us laugh harder. Honey was amazing, she didn't care what anyone thought of her and she was the sweetest girl ever. We met because some girls were being a bitch to her because she's bi-sexual. I stepped in and told them all to go fuck themselves and we've been friends ever since. That and she's amazing.

I have to introduce her as: Honey, the amazing girl who's made my life a trillion times better.

We ended up sitting down on the steps outside of the school. It wasn't too far from the outdoor lunch tables, but we were far enough. People like throwing food outside, especially at anyone who tries to be different. They're apparently the "greatest targets".

"So, find anyone sexy today?" I asked Honey, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She shrugged. "Just that cutie Frank, who I've never had the guts to talk to."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Honey, you're gorgeous. Just be all, 'YO, BITCH. I'm Honey. Fall in love with me or I'll murder you!'"

She laughed, hysterically, at me. "No way! He'll think I'm psychotic!"

"You are!"

"Not the point," she stated, after she was done laughing. "What about you? Any sexy men in your life today?"

"Just this kid in my chemistry class," I said, in a sing-song voice. "His name is Mikey."

"Let me guess, he's kind of nerdy?"

"Why do you always peg the guys I like as nerds?"

She grinned at me. "Because, they generally always are."
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Yup. Mikey isn't really a nerd, but he looks like a cute nerdy kid with his glasses. :3
Fuck lasik. He's got those amazing glasses in this story >:D