Take My ***ing Hand

At Least You've Got a Nice Booty!

I smiled at myself, triumphantly, as I walked into Chemistry class on time. Nothing beats me, not even high heels.

As I thought this, I realized that I was a major dork. I really should stop admitting the fact that I am, because it really isn't one of my lovable charms. More like one of my annoying tendencies.

I need a life.

I sighed and took a seat next to the adorable Mikey. God, I'm such a geek, I thought, pulling my phone out of my shirt pocket. I sent a quick text to Honey, telling her to have fun in Phys Ed, a mandatory class for sophomores. I love texting Honey in class. Sometimes, it got my in trouble though. I always ended up dying laughing at our conversations.

I "forgot" my gym clothes, bitch! was my response back to that. I giggled at her.




I'm your boyfriend! I'll threaten you with whatever I feel is necessary to threaten you with. Besides violence, I'm not a girlfriend hitter!

I had to bite my lip from laughing at that. She was so weird, but at least she wasn't abusive.

I know. I love you for not killing me yet. What're you up to, anyways?

Oh, you know. Sitting on the bleachers, texting you. Breathing. Thinking. Typing. The usual. You?

Smart ass. Sitting in chem. I hate this class.

Oh, are you sitting next to mr. sexy face?

Do you even know what he looks like? Yes. I am.

Nah. But, do I need to?

Yes? What if he's like...I don't even know. What if he had a duck face?

WTF? You're crazy. Besides, you have good taste in guys.

Thank you ;) You're complimenting yourself again, baby.

Oh, you know me, so full of it. I can't help it. Have you asked mr. sexy face out yet?

What? No! I haven't even spoken to him besides telling him my name!

...Well, talk to him now? Duh. Jeez. You're so dumb.

I KNOW. I'm dating YOU.

): That hurts. </3

<3 I'll talk to him now.



Bye-bye, sugar ! <3

Bye honey bunch! <3

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and smiled. He looked bored beyond belief. I kind of leaned over toward him.

"Whatcha doing?" I whispered. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing?" he responded back. "This class is a joke."

I nodded. "I'm quite aware, but I refuse to cut open poor dead animals. Fuck anatomy."

"That's why I didn't take it. It was bad enough in Bio one our freshman year."

"That was exactly what I was thinking," I replied, smiling kind of flirtatiously at him. I think I failed at it though. "So, what's your favorite color?"

"Rainbow," he stated, like it was obvious. "I'm not gay, though, before you ask."

"I wasn't going to. Just because you like rainbows doesn't mean you're a flamer," I said, shrugging. "Besides, I don't have anything against gays. My best friend is bi."


"Yup." I nodded and moved back to my original position–somewhat slanted, with my head propped up on my hand.

HONEY. Think of something I can start a conversation with! PLEASE.

Potatoes! (:


Just do ittttt.

"How do you feel about potatoes?" I asked, trying to make it seem like a serious conversation. He smiled at me, somewhat amused.

"They're quite lovely. Are you asking your friend to think of conversation starters?"

Fuck. Busted.


"I do that, too," he whispered, still smiling. I swear, there was a swarm of butterflies having seizures in my stomach.

My phone vibrated in my lap and I looked down to check it.

Fuck being in catholic school. WHY CAN'T THERE BE GUYS IN MY GYM CLASS? THERE AREN'T ANY SEXY GIRLS IN THIS CLASS. Why aren't you in this class? ): At least you've got a nice booty!

I clasped my hand over my mouth and giggled silently to myself.

"What’s so funny?" Mikey asked. I simply handed him my phone and read it. He mimicked my actions and tried not to laugh his ass off. "She sounds like fun."

"She's loads of fun. Want to sit with us at lunch?" I asked, with a hopeful smile plastered on my face.

He nodded. "Sure. I'll get my friend to sit with us."

"Meet us on the steps in front of the side entrance of school."


I was bouncing up and down, practically, as I waited for Mikey. Honey was laughing at me and the grin plastered to my face.

"Well, someone's in love," she stated, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Nope."

A few seconds later, and Mikey walked through the door with a short, cute looking kid with messed up black hair. He had pretty greenish-hazel eyes.

"Hey, Bren-"

"Brenna! CODE BLACK!" Honey exclaimed, waving her arms over her head.

I gave her a confused look. "Code black...?"

"We'll be right back." Honey said, in a hurried tone, before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the two boys. I looked back and mouthed, "Sorry!" to Mikey who just gave me a confused look.

About twenty feet away, we stopped and she dropped my arm. "Holy fucking shit! That's Mikey?!" Honey exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down.

"Uh, yes? Why?"

"Dude! That's Frank's best friend! That is Frankie!"

Frankie? Frankie..? Why did his name sound so familiar. And, then it clicked. "Wait. That kid you like?" Her hand was up against my mouth before I could even continue.

"YES. Don't say anything. Anything, or I swear.." I moved her hand from my mouth.

"I wouldn't say anything, Honey-Bunny. I don't want to risk our love!" I grinned widely at her. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure he'll like you. I mean, come on. You're pretty, funny, and you have a lovely ass....Wait. Why are we always talking about each others' asses?"

"Because they're irresistible?" Honey said, smiling at me. "I love you, thanks! I feel better now."

I nodded and we walked back over to the guys.

"Hey, wait. When did we come up with 'Color Codes'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I don't know. But, it got your attention, didn't it?"
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