Ornate Designs


The twins stumbled down the gravel road with one intention; getting drunk.

“Hey, Dom, if there was anything you humans did right,” Oren paused and took a swig of the auburn coloured liquid before he continued, “It was making this.” He pointed at the bottle and his twin sister, Ari, laughed and took the bottle from his grasp.

“We should start heading back,” I stated as Ari pushed Oren across the width of the road, laughing as she did.

“Aw, Dom! You’re a party pooper!” Ari kept laughing and took my hand, pulling me along with her as she walked towards Oren who was lying on the grass to the left of the road.

“Yeah, Dom. Don’t be a bitch. My father said Ari and I could have a good time. He never stated when he—” Oren hiccuped and continued, “When he wanted us back.”

“No, he didn’t. Not to you. Come on, you’ll get me in trouble.” I said to him.

“We wouldn’t want that,” Ari mimicked my voice and pulled her brother up. “Come on now, you’ll get Dom in trouble.”

“Wait!” Oren yelled at us, “I don’t remember how to get home. So we don’t really have to go home, right Dom?”

“I know how. Come on.” I helped Ari pull Oren from the ground and took both their hands in mine. I felt like a father with his children.

“How do you know how to get back?” Ari asked, stumbling along behind me.

“Imprinted,” I said and tapped my head, “Hurry up, it’s past your curfew.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank-you for reading, any comments would be appreciated immensely.

Futile Devices - Sufjan Stevens