Ornate Designs


“Where the hell were you, Dom!? You’re so lucky nothing happened, man, so lucky.” Grant said as we walked down the path towards where our homes were located.

“I know.” I replied, remembering last time I brought the twins home later than their original curfew.

Grant shook his head, “I honestly don’t know how you get away with it.” He glanced at me, wondering if I was going to answer his ‘question’. I wasn’t. He should know that by now.

“What about Lila, was she—”

“I always bring her back on time. All she does is sit by that stream near the Northern Edge, she’s really quite boring.”

I shrugged and fiddled with the button I had recently replaced on my shirt. It was a lighter shade of blue than the rest of the buttons, but I’ll take what I can get. “I don’t really think Lila is boring...”

“We all know that Dom. Maybe if you were her Guardian, you’d get tired of her. I don’t get what you see in her at all, I mean, yeah, she’s good looking for an elf—”

“Grant.” I said. He stopped babbling and glanced at me.

“Sorry,” he murmured. We walked a few more steps down the path before Grant’s mouth started shitting out words again. “Know what I think? I think you should give Delia a go. She’s ten times the girl Lila is.”

“Delia is nothing compared to Lila. Delia’s a selfish bitch.”

“Yeah, so? At least we know she speaks to us... or any humans in general. And, she’s got to be the best looking girl here! And, to boot, she’s got the hots for you.” He poked his finger at my chest and stopped walking.

“Tomorrow’s our day off,” I said with a straight face. I wanted to see what he’d do if I changed the conversation entirely. “What do you want to do?”

“You’re useless, Dom. We’ll talk about our day off tomorrow.” He playfully pushed me down the path to the left, where my house was located and kept walking straight. “I’ll see you tomorrow, kid.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for three comments from two people, ha ha.

I Want To Be Well - Sufjan Stevens