Ornate Designs


“You really can’t do anything about it, Dom. Imprinting is inevitable.” Oren sat across from me in the chair Grant was sitting in just over forty-five minutes ago. Arianne sat next to her brother, glancing at him once in a while.

“It’s going to be hard for him, but at least you’ll be there for him when it’s all done, right?” Ari asked. She tucked her hair behind her left ear. She hardly ever let anyone see her pointed ears.

“I guess,” I said. “I should have said more to him before he left.”

“There isn’t much to say about it, Dom. It happens. Ari and I don’t really think it’s necessary to have the humans imprinted, but it’s not our decision.” Ari nodded as her brother spoke. “Once Sylran makes up his mind, it’s hard to reason with him.”

Oren hardly ever called King Sylran his father, whether it was because he wasn’t proud of his roots, or whether he just didn’t deem it necessary, I never knew.

“Stop beating yourself up about it, Dom. You can’t change what has already happened. Grant is getting imprinted, and there isn’t much you can do about it.” Ari pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. She reminded me of Delia then.

I nodded, “I suppose not.”

The twins looked at each other, grinning, before Oren said, “Delia’s been asking about you lately.” I rolled my eyes and Ari laughed.

“No worries, we haven’t said a word. Well, I told her you’ve been busy helping your father with stuff... but that’s it.” She smiled and added, “Besides, I know you’re in it for Lila.”

I shrugged, but didn’t say a word. I avoided their eyes, and instead looked out the window.

“Oh, Dom.” Ari said, smiling.

“I never understood human emotions. Aren’t you supposed to tell someone if you have feelings for them?” Oren looked legitimately interested in how I would answer.

“That’s what you’re supposed to do.” I answered. Oren’s eye brows raised.

“Well then? What’s holding you back?”

“She’s an elf, Oren.” I stated. “Humans and elves aren’t supposed to... have feelings for each other.”

“Well, I’ve got feelings for you, Dom,” Ari said and laughed. “You’re a nice human. And you’re my friend, right?”

“Yes, but those are normal feelings.” I shook my head, “Never mind. You’ll understand sooner or later.”

“Pah!” Oren said. “I don't think I'll ever understand.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of a 'filler'. I just want to get to know the twins more before I get into other problems... :o