Status: writer's block...

Perfect Escape


Of course you already know what the other two were doing.... Yura and Keiyuu rushed off in the opposite direction from Maiccho and Yasuno, their minds racing with ideas of how it was possible to 'jump' from one plane of existence to another.

"Yura! hold on!!" Keiyuu cried out, exhaustedly. "My legs are not nearly as long as yours!!" he bent over and rested his arms on his kneecaps. All this running was just about killing him! ..and then he remembered:

"Crap! I rode my bike today!" he thought aloud. 'I may as well go back to retrieve it...' he said, already walking back in the direction of the live house. Yura, on the other hand, was a whole city block ahead of him already. After about a minute or two without hearing Keiyuu's footsteps or complaining, he finally stopped for a moment.

"Keiyuu?" the bassist called, hearing only his own echo replying. The street was lit, though quite dimly, and it seemed that the flickering light would go out at any second... Yura cringed at the thought of walking back to his home in the dark, especially as late as it was this hour, and mentally kicked himself for allowing Keiyuu to persuade him into running god-knows-where."Where were we headed, anyways..?" Yura thought, walking toward an eerie-looking park. As the wind blew, the chains of the swings creaked loudly, and the bassist averted his eyes. If there was something there, he did not want to make eye-contact with whatever it was. "It's just the wind, it's just the wind..." Yura whispered to himself.


When Keiyuu finally made it back to the live house he discovered that his bike was no where to be found.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he cried out. He had just gotten that bike a couple of weeks ago, and how could anyone be so cruel as to take, of all things, HIS bike??? Keiyuu snorted grumpily and set off on foot to catch up with Yura, not realizing that not even ten seconds after he left, someone came to the door.

"A-re? hmm...I guess he left...ah, whatever, I guess they'll be back to pick up the bike tomorrow" he said, locking the back entrance of the live house, moving Keiyuu's bike over to the side and draping it with an old tarp. "There.. he'll be happy to see that his bike is safe when he comes back" the middle-aged man said with a chuckle.


"DAMMIT!!!" Keiyuu cursed. He was NOT happy with a certain random bassist. 'I bet he didn't even hear me say I went back...' Keiyuu thought, looking up at the sky. The moon seemed cloudy, and really full..... Keiyuu's hands fumbled around in his pockets to find his cellphone. Success! He flipped open the phone, held it up at the sky and took a picture. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this..?" he thought. The moon was full, but it seemed really close.... and a bit....

"Rose-coloured" a voice said, startling the tiny vocalist. he looked out towards the direction that Yura and himself had been traveling before, but none of it seemed familiar to him.. Frantically searching around the area with his eyes, Keiyuu did not see anyone anywhere close by.

"You cannot see" The reverberating voice grew longer and longer. "It is not time for you to see..."

"Who are you? and..why can't I see....??" Keiyuu asked, rather confused as to who he was speaking to.

"The taller human in the park. Go to him." the voice said, growing more and more distant with each millisecond. "He can see"

'Taller human in the park? Who might that-- Yura!!' Keiyuu thought, as he started running once again. This time, the pain in his legs did nothing more than to make him press onward, in the hopes that his running would be over sooner with that constant pace.


"I did not just see that" Yura thought to himself, still walking. It seemed like the park would never end, but the fence enclosing the park was only a few feet away...or so he thought. There was something that kept trying to speak to him, but the words seemed garbled... Out of the corner of his eye he kept seeing a face mask of some sort as well...

"YURA!!!" someone shouted out, half-scaring him to death. Wait a minute, he knew that voice....

"KEIYUU!!!" he screamed back, finally turning around, and witnessing the creature that had been calling out to him.

"It's....a kitsune mask." Keiyuu said, returning to Yura's side.

"You can see it?" Yura exclaimed. Thank goodness his eyes weren't playing tricks on him!

"Yes, I can see it, now...."

'Now?' Yura thought to himself. The moonlight made the masks glow eerily, but the two could see exactly what was speaking to them. The mask on the right, in front of Keiyuu was blood red on one side, and had the shadow of a treble clef contrasting with the otherwise ghostly white glow.The fanged mask also seemed quite small in comparison to the other on the left, which was much more elaborate in design with a zig-zag pattern in the middle, a teardrop under the left eye and a club over the right.

'Where are the other humans...?' a duet of much lower voices asked as Keiyuu fell to the ground passing out from sheer exhaustion.

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kitsune - fox