Status: writer's block...

Perfect Escape



On the other side of the tower, Keiyuu was becoming more and more at ease with the place.

'I could get used to this' he thought as he ran his hand over the luxurious plush floor pillows. True, he had not seen any other human person for at least a day, but it was, at least, giving him a chance to unwind. 'hmmm...' he thought to himself, grabbing for the bag at his side. His PSP was stashed right in the left pocket of the messenger bag flap. He grabbed for it and switched it on, ready to go back into his world of Monster Hunting...or so he thought.

"DAMMIT! I forgot to charge it again!!!!" screamed the vocalist. Part of him wanted to throw the PSP on the ground, but he held back, thinking maybe, just maybe...

"Guardian....thing? Are you here in the room still?"

'Yes, Keiyuu-sama..'

"...I don't suppose that you know where there's an outlet to charge my PSP, do you..?"

'......what is an 'outlet' ,Keiyuu-sama..?'




'Keiyuu-sama...what is 'Monhan'..?'


"Keiyuu-kun....Keiyuuuuuu...." called out Yura, poking his head out into the hallway. As he searched around for his shorter band mate, he noticed his castle-like surroundings.

"...Are we in Europe or something..?" he thought aloud. His guardian mask came out of the room suddenly.

'aleelgaraf niang'ma Keiyuu-sama atang mahi talak' the mask said to the surprised bassist.

"Waitaminute! I understood part of that...I guess..Keiyuu is close..?"

'atang mahi talak gnaha' the mask replied.

"How about you...nod your head for 'yes'..?" Yura asked of the Guardian, who moved up and down in front of Yura.

"Ah, good, we have a system now!" Yura said, rather proud of his accomplishment. He turned to the right, and waited for the mask to convey if he was on the right track.

" about you also move your..head...right and left for 'no'..."

'atang akayon mahi talak ngah..' the mask said, moving as Yura had told it to.

'Ah, this will be much easier now' thought the bassist, as he walked the opposite way each time the mask conveyed that he was going the wrong way.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THEY'RE MISSING?!?!" Maiccho screamed, causing quite a few of the persons living close to his apartment to come out to see what had happened.

"I don't know! I was hoping that you knew where they were..." Yasuno whispered to Mai, who turned red after realizing how much of a spectacle he had made. "Can we please just go and talk about this in a rational manner..?" Yasuno asked, as the four or five people finally went back into their own apartments.

"...Un." the once-groggy guitarist finally let out, and proceeded to open the door for the bright-haired drummer to come inside.
