Status: writer's block...

Perfect Escape



"Monster Hunter... it's like...uh.. a game hunt monsters in." Keiyuu said bluntly to the Guardian.

'Ahh...then it is a quest that needs fulfilling?' the unseen mask asked of the vocalist.

"Something like that. I...really really love that game." Keiyuu said, putting down his pretty much worthless PSP. "If there was any way that I could play something like that, I'd be extremely grateful."

'To play that 'game' you said? I believe I can make that happen, Keiyuu-sama.'



Yura darted around the corridors of the hall still trying to find the missing-in-action vocalist.

"Is he this way?"

'Keiyuu-sama alang room ngarak ahn.' the mask answered, quite a bit ahead of the extremely confused bassist.

"Wait..Room? You said Room!!!" Yura joyfully cried out. It seemed that Keiyuu was quite close to where he was standing.


"...a-re? What was that, Guardian--san..?" Yura asked suddenly, already knowing the answer.

"Keiyuu-sama. It seems that he is having some difficulty adjusting to his living quarters." the ornate mask replied as the shorter man burst through the door, much to Yura's surprise.

"Keiyuu!!! Thank goodness you're--"

"....Yura-kun...I'm gonna go nuts... Please tell me that your PSP is charged..." the vocalist ignored Yura's comment about his safety. All he could think about was playing his beloved game.

"Uh, it should be charge--"

"ARIGATOU YURA-KUN!" Keiyuu said, already half-way down the hall in search of Yura's own duffle bag.

"KEIYUU-KUN!!! WAIIIIT!!! I WANNA BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THESE MASK THINGS!!!" Yura said, running full-speed towards Keiyuu.

"YURA! NO!!" Keiyuu exclaimed with a panicked look on his face, and proceeded to run as fast as his little legs could carry him, in attempt to keep from being ran over by the overzealous bassist.


"DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!" Maiccho outbursted, taking Yasuno aback. They had searched everywhere they could think of that would have attracted the bassist and vocalist: a couple of arcades, a few of their favorite brand-name stores, not to mention a couple of 'otaku shoppes' as the drummer liked to call them, and maid cafes.... None of which had even heard from Keiyuu or Yura all day. It was not that unusual for Keiyuu to take off without telling his band mates what he was up to, but Yura, on the other hand..he'd at least leave a message for Mai or Yasuno to hear.

'It's as if they disappeared into thin air..' Yasuno thought to himself.

" you think that they...found another band?!?" Mai asked, terrified of the answer that Yasuno would give him.

"Ah, calm down, Maiccho" the drummer said,waving away Mai's worst suspicions. "They wouldn't do that to us" Yasuno said with a smile.

"Then what happened to them..?"

The drummer and guitarist turned around to see that sun had already started setting at that time. Neither Maiccho nor Yasuno had any idea that they had spent the whole day trying to locate the other two. Finally deciding that if they had gone anywhere, they'd be back the next day, Maiccho and Yasuno went their separate ways.

'I really hope that those two didn't decide to leave the band...' Mai thought to himself. Looking up at the sky, the guitarist could see the outline of the moon was crimson in colour, and glowed eerily.

"Hmm...the moon seems to be..." he trailed off. A peculiar scent wafted into his nostrils. A bit like the scent of roses, tiger lilies, and oranges all in one.

'What a strange it getting stronger..?" the guitarist thought to himself. It seemed that the scent was overpowering the poor guitarists nose, causing him to finally drop to his knees, and lose consciousness.
