Status: Finishing part two soon!

Morning Coffee

Scandalous Lolita

"Julie! Wake up! It's time for class!!" a feminine voice called out.

"Ah, crap..." I said, slowly uncovering my face. "Really, Alex...?" The voice sighed.

"I'm not Alex... I'm Miyuki, remember?" Ah, that's right.. The request for a new dorm mate had finally been answered... And just when I had actually started NOT minding the taller girl.

"Oh... Well, whatever, I'm going out for coffee first~!" I said, throwing the covers off my bed to get to my feet. It's always worst in the morning, when you aren't wearing heels. I come about eye-level with my dresser, if that gives you an idea about how short I really am.

"If you absolutely need a caffeine fix, then go for it..." the voice called out again. Had to admit, I wasn't used to not being told that I shouldn't drink coffee because it would stunt my growth... The witty little remark that Alex had ready most every morning."Of course I need coffee~!" I yelled out whilst dressing. She didn't need to know the real reason why I insisted going out for coffee every morning. Damn, I don't know why I put up with wearing sweet lolita sometimes...bloomers, petticoats, underskirt, and finally a sugary-sweet print mint-colored one piece clothed my body. I wondered if he would be there, he hadn't been for the past few days... I brushed my now-faded pink hair and meticulously curled my locks into soft ringlets. Now for the finishing touch, two matching small headbows on either side of my head, and the scalloped-edge bag, also in mint. I was ready... This time, he would definitely notice me!

"I'm leaving now, Miyu~!" I called out at the door, placing four-inch platformed mint-colored mary janes on my feet.

"Ah... Okay... but don't call me Miyu!!" she yelled back. I shrugged and left the dorm room quickly.


"You know that weird girl is going to be here soon... Why do you even bother coming here anymore?" Keiyuu stated. His tone was flat as he spoke."She's friends with Kurea! You know how strange Kurea is!!" He stopped talking to look around the cafe, hoping that the redhead wasn't within earshot of his words.

"Well... CLAIRE isn't my problem, is she? Neither is Julie." Yura said, finally taking a first sip of his coffee. "Is that her name? Why do they always have odd names?? It's not like we can pronounce them, you know!!" the vocalist had already had way too much coffee that morning. Yura sighed.

"Calm down, you're getting worked up over nothing. Besides, I like the coffee here. It's not like she bothers you.."

"... She does bother me, she called me short!!" Keiyuu fumed.

"...And she's shorter than you are without those huge platforms on her feet."

"True, true..." the vocalist smirked and drank the last gulp of his coffee. "Excuse me miss? I need another Cafe au lait--"

"Hell no, I'm cutting you off." the taller man retorted, taking a second sip. "You've already had three cups.. I'd think you would have exploded by now... where are you putting it?" he said, mockingly and eyed Keiyuu's small frame.

"Just shut up..." the vocalist surrendered as he crossed his arms. He looked toward the window, and smirked again.

"She's here~~~~"

"Ah, dammit...."


I walked into the cafe and sat in my usual spot, letting the waitress take my order, then let my eyes wander toward the table with the bassist and vocalist of Kra sitting at it. Yura always looked away from my glance, but Keiyuu would glare at me. I guess he was still upset that I called him short all those months ago...


"Is she still looking over here..?" the bassist asked. "Of course. She's a weird foreign girl, so she stares without thinking about how rude it is." Keiyuu replied without a thought. "Just like Kurea."

Yura smirked. "You talk about Claire like you can't even get her off your mind."

"EH?! I HATE THAT IDIOT GIRL!!" Keiyuu let his words fly out of his mouth with full force. Everyone looked up toward the vocalist for a moment, and he shrunk in his seat. Julie couldn't help but giggle at the vocalist's outburst. The short man turned andgave her a glare that would have put her six feet under.

"Oi, don't start anything--" Yura began to say as the vocalist walked off toward Julie's lone table and slammed his hand down on it, slightly wincing with the pain of it.

"You think something's funny?!"

"Of course~! Anyone would think that was funny, even the look on your face was priceless~!" the pink-haired girl sang out.

Yura walked up close behind Keiyuu. "What did I tell you, don't start anything-- Hi Julie..." he muttered the last two words with a half-assed wave. Damn vocalist, did he really have to act childish all the time?

"It's fine.." Julie said, looking down. Yura was the only guy that had ever really made her nervous, and she hated to admit that.

"Ah, if that's it then--"

It was now or never.

"Um! Yura? I have to ask you something!" Julie exclaimed. Keiyuu rolled his eyes. Idiot foreigner was probably going to ask him if they could go out or something stupid...

"I... guess... would you like to have morning coffee together...?"

Keiyuu's eyes widened as he looked at the girl in disbelief. Did she even know what she had just asked his bandmate?!

"...that's a bit forward..." Yura began, a slight blush formed at his cheeks.

"Eh? What do you mean..?" Julie looked up at the brown-haired man quizzically.

"You pretty much asked him to sleep with you." Keiyuu stated, smirking at the foreigner's mistake. "You didn't know that?? What an idiot!"

"It's hard to... nevermind.." She muttered as her face took on a reddish hue.

"If you mean to meet for coffee tomorrow.. That would be fine.. I guess..." Yura said, scratching his head. One day wouldn't be too bad, would it? Julie's eyes lit up completely.

"Yes! That would be just fine!" Keiyuu rolled his eyes again. "Count me out. I'll go somewhere else tomorrow." Julie's eyes darted to the vocalist. Yes, just what she had hoped for...

The waitress finally brought Julie's drink to the table. As she left, Julie sipped her drink contemplatively.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Julie...?" Yura said nervously and gave another small wave. The girl returned the wave and smiled innocently as the pair walked back to their own table.

"That isn't even coffee... It's ... hot chocolate, isn't it?" Yura whispered to Keiyuu.

"Yeah... I don't think she drinks coffee at all..." Keiyuu said.
'I bet that foreigner knew exactly what she was asking the first time, too....'

♠ ♠ ♠
I plan on adding two more chapters to this story, maybe during college break. ❥