Status: Alive and kicking...hopefully

I've Got A Problem

Capitolo 2

“Hey, Scout! Have you seen that blue tie I like so much?” I roll my eyes at my friend and neighbor.
“Yes, Milan, because I keep track of all 12,000 of your blue ties. Are you talking about the one you wore to the game on Monday or the one you wore to the awards show?” He walks into the living room scratching his head. His dress shirt hangs open giving me an eyeful of his deliciously toned chest and stomach, and his dress pants are unbuttoned leaving nothing to the imagination with his boxer brief band peaking out through the zipper. I’m relatively sure that I’m losing conscience thought right now so be prepared for a few gaps in my story.

“The one I wore to the awards show. No, you know what? Never mind, it’s at your place. I left it there after we got back from…are you Googling me again?” I can feel my face heat up, because, yes, I am Googling him again. I like using his Mac and what better thing to do with it than Google him. I slide the computer across his bed and stretch out feeling completely at home in his t-shirt and sweat pants. He winks at me and heads back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.
“You’re not coming to the game tonight? I thought you told me last night you were.” I cringed at his tone. It was his I’m-really-disappointed-and-I’ll-hold-it-against-you-if-you-don’t-come tone. I hate that one. It makes me go all mushy inside, because I know that more than anything he wants me there. Well, he’ll just have to be disappointed tonight.
“I’m sorry, babe. I can’t tonight, duty calls. I have to finish a piece for that website I told you about.” I’m a graphic designer for a middle size Bostonian company called Mesh. I’m one of five designers and lately it seems I’m spread pretty thin. The other designers have families and since I’m embarrassingly single I get to work their leftover hours. So in the last three days I’ve picked up six extra assignments to finish before Monday, which just happens to be two days away.
“That’s fine. I understand. You’ll be up when I get home right? Did I tell you what happened yesterday? Sega asked me if I’ve thrown it to you yet. I told him no, but that I’m working you down, slowly but surely.” I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him as he sits on the end of the bed to put on his shoes. I must say he looks amazingly sexy in his suit. I helped pick it out so I’m a bit biased but I love the way the black clothing fits him and only him. “Of course I’ll be up. I have no life remember. All I do is work, work, and work. I might even have something to eat for you. You know, maybe your favorite, but I just don’t know.” I smile mischievously (yeah, that’s how I roll, bribery) at him and watch him lick his lips. He putters around the room mentally checking off everything he needs to take with him and I follow him out of the bedroom and to the front door.
“Ok. I’ll be home later. How ‘bout a good luck kiss from my number one girl?” He leans in but I move back at the last minute. “No.” I think it’s safe to say that I took immense satisfaction in shutting the door in his face.

Sure enough, while Looch was gone I got very little actual work done. As I knew would happen. I spent the majority of my time watching our favorite movie and fixing him a late night dinner. This is not me admitting that I miss him when he’s gone. Nope, our my favorite movie was already in the DVD player. Not to mention I was in the mood for chicken parmesan (it is so not Looch’s favorite food) and had everything on hand to make it. We are just friends, people. Stop looking at me like that. Number one, Looch would never go for a girl like me. No matter what those guys say, I know them and they always talk about fucking girls that are ten times smaller than me, literally. Number two, I wouldn’t want to get involved with a hockey player anyway. They’re too high maintenance. If I wanted high maintenance I’d be a lesbian. It’s not like I sit around waiting for him, because I don’t. I have friends and we go out all the time. Just last week my friend Eve called me and asked me to go to lunch with her and I…didn’t. I had plans with Looch. Okay, so maybe I didn’t go out last week, but I’ve gone out recently. My sister Saige called and wanted to see a movie but I…couldn’t because I was already there with Looch. Damn, I’m pathetic. Where is he anyway?
It’s nearly 2:00 in the morning and I’ve long since given up on not worrying about where Milan is. He hasn’t even called. Something he usually does if he knows he’ll be late. I think it’s safe to say I started worrying at 12:01 when it passed his usual time to be home, but he’s a grown man and I’m not his girlfriend therefore I can’t say anything. So strictly between you and me I’m worried sick. When the clock hits 2:30 I hear a soft knock on my door. I jump up off the couch and jog to the door, throwing it open, only to see an empty doorway, but attached to Looch’s door across the hall is a paper arrow pointing down. I look down to my ‘Welcome’ rug and see a small box with an envelope. I grab them both and head back to the couch, tearing the seal on the envelope.

I’m sorry I forgot to call. I was getting everything ready for you birthday celebration– surprise! - tomorrow and completely lost track of time, so I had Sega drop this off. Now, scattered around my apartment are clues for finding your gift. At exactly 9:00 tomorrow morning (no earlier and no later) you will find the key under your rug, and you can start looking. I’m warning you now that the clues are incredibly easy and cheesy. I’m a guy cut me some slack. I’ll see you tomorrow. Happy early birthday, Scout.

I laugh after reading Looch’s note and then I begin to feel a bit peeved. I specifically told him not to get me anything. It’s just my twenty-first birthday, and he knows that I’m not a big drinker (insert a long sob story about my alcoholic mother here) and while I appreciate the fact that he’s not taking me out to get me shit-faced, I told him no gifts. This just shows how well he listens. But, let’s face it; I’m climbing into bed more excited than I’ve ever been for any birthday before.
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