Status: Alive and kicking...hopefully

I've Got A Problem

Capitolo 9

“Okay, I know you’re not trying to sneak a cup of coffee right now.” I stop mid motion and turn around. Busted. I put the coffee cup back in the cabinet and lean down to look at the hot liquid in the pot.

“I love you. You know that, right? In six more months we’ll be back together and this will all be a horrible nightmare brought on by my husband’s evil spawn.” I hear Looch snort and open the fridge. When I face him again he’s about to pop the top on a can of Dr. Pepper.

“Seriously? You’re going to drink Dr. Pepper in front of your pregnant wife? I mean really?” He smiles sheepishly and puts it back in the fridge. That’s more like it. And, yes I did say wife. We got fed up with trying to fly family and friends in so that it would work around his game schedule and we eloped. Well, we went to city hall with Bergy and Sega, but either way we’re married.

“Man, you’re no fun now. I can’t have Dr. Pepper, I can’t sleep on my side of the bed. I can’t eat peanut butter because it makes you nauseous.” This whole pregnancy thing has me out of whack. I can’t help that I start to cry, I can only hope it makes his sorry ass feel guilty.

“Oh jeez, don’t cry. Shit, you know I hate when you cry. I’m sorry.” He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me. Honestly, you should see this. I’m milking it for all it’s worth.

“It’s okay. I know this is a change for you. It’s a change for me too.”
He laughs and pulls away. “Change is an understatement, but it’s a good change. By the way, I finished putting the furniture together today. You should be proud of me. I even made Sega climb in the crib so I would know it’s safe. “

“It didn’t break, did it?” I pour the coffee down the drain, taking in the scent as it coats the sink.

“No, we’re good. If it can support a half grown Seguin then our baby won’t be a problem.”

“Speaking of baby, I’m asking you nicely to change your mind. I want to know if it’s a boy or a girl. Not knowing is going to drive me crazy which will in turn drive you crazy. So, I think you should just give up and let me have my way.”

“How ‘bout, no? Or I could just skip this doctor’s appointment and you can find out and leave me in the dark.”

“You’re going to make me go to the baby doctor by myself? This is an ‘us’ thing. We get to see the baby, hear the baby, find out if it’s a boy or girl, and you’re going to miss it?” He looks at me and swipes a hand down his face.

“I’ll go and see and hear, but I’m leaving the room before I find out. You got me? That little bun is staying unlabeled until it pops out. Don’t get any ideas about leaving cutesy notes for me to find either. That’s just not cool.” I laugh and watch him walk into the bedroom.

Oh it’s so on.

“Alright, parents. Are we ready to find out the sex of baby Looch?” Dr. Greene looks at us both expectantly.

“Actually, Milan doesn’t want to know. He can wait in the hall right?” Dr. Greene nods and turns back to the monitor. Looch gives me a kiss on the forehead and steps out of the room.

“Well, let’s see what we’ve got here. This will be a little cold, but I bet you’re used to that by now.” I nod and wince a little as she begins the second ultrasound. She moves the wand around for a few seconds searching for the right spot.

“Here we go. Well, it sure looks like you’ve got yourself a little baby girl. And…oh, wait a second. Yep, a little girl. Did you want me to print off pictures this go around?” I nod my head and start taking of the hospital gown. Wow, a baby girl. She’d better not get Looch’s nose. That’d be a train wreck. After the doctor leaves and I’m dressed I meet Looch out in the hallway.

“Don’t give me that look Olivia Lucic. I know you know something I don’t know, so wipe that look right off your face.”

Oh, yeah he’s going to crack. Soon.
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Here's a short chapter for you guys! Thank you so much for still reading. And for those of you that don't know I put the first chapter up of Jeff Skinner's story. Would it be possible to get a little feed back for that one?