Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


“You've never been to Disney land?” Paul asked me again as I shook my head again. Paul's eyes bugged out. “You've got to be joking! Everyone's been there!” I laughed.

“Well I haven't,” I shrugged and he ran a hand through his hair.

“Wow, you've missed out,” he said, still not believing it. “Even I've been there!” I couldn't help but laugh at his behavior.

We've been hanging out regularly for the past two weeks. Paul's been coming around and waiting for me everyday. For some reason he seemed to sense that it was best to show up when no one but I was at home.
Everyday he tried to find out why I was afraid of the woods but I refused to tell him. But to be honest, I've gotten so comfortable with Paul that I knew I could trust him. I was just scared of the memories. I knew that today he would start questioning me again.

Paul was kicking a rock in front of him as we walked farther away from my house.

“Something horrible happened to my uncle and I in the woods four years ago,” I blurted out.

Paul's head snapped up; he looked straight in front of him. We continued to walk. When Paul didn't say anything, I continued.

“It was a horrible experience and I've yet to fully recover from it. I won't go into details, no, I can't go into details, not yet but all I can say is he was brutally killed.”

“And you saw it,” Paul seemed to confirm.

“I was 13, you know, the age when a child starts 'finding himself'', when you mentally and physically start growing up and I guess the accident kind of slowed me down,” I replied and Paul nodded. We stayed silent for a while.

I was surprised that I hadn't burst into tears by this point. It was so easy to tell him and the best part was Paul didn't offer sympathy. He didn't pity me or immediately go 'I'm sorry'.

Finally Paul spoke up.

“Someone attacked him?” he asked.

Something attacked him,” I murmured. We kept walking, not really knowing where we were going. I was looking down at my feet when Paul slung his arm across my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him nervously.

“You've got some courage kid,” he said with a wide grin. I laughed and pushed him away. He stumbled away. I was glad his arm wasn't around me anymore. I would've probably died from the excitement.

“Who you callin' kid, sucker?” I said, using my best western accent. Our laughter rippled all through the forest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was walking toward the cafeteria when Angelina and Stephanie came up on either side of me. Angelina linked her arm through mine.

“Alright so what's his name?” she asked me and I looked at her funny.

“What're you talking about?” I asked her and Stephanie laughed.

“You got that look,” she said and I frowned. I looked down at my clothes. Did I put something on inside out? Angelina laughed. We grabbed lunch trays and chose our food. I settled for some chocolate milk and some chicken nuggets. The girls chose minimal amounts of food: water and apple.

“You're all in outer space and you've got this goofy smile on your face,” Angelina explained as we sat down at an empty table. I felt myself redden which caused Stephanie to laugh.

“C'mon tell us about this guy,” she encouraged.

“He's just a friend that I see sometimes,” I said. I decided it was unimportant to mention that I see him everyday.

“What's his name?” Angelina asked as I bit into a nugget.

“Paul,” my answer caused the girls to starts looking around. I laughed. “He's not from our school, he's from La Push.”

“Is he from the reservation? “ Angelina asked and, not waiting for an answer, continued.
“OH MY GOD! It's the guy we met after the movie, isn't it?” I merely nodded. This sent the girls into a frenzy. They spent about 15 minutes telling me about how hot he is and how he has an amazing body.

“When did you start going out?” Stephanie asked.

“We're not going out, we're just friends,” I said and Angelina smirked.

“Right, of course, tell me you don't like him,” she challenged and I blushed. The girls let out a fit of giggles.

They interrogated me for a long time and the more I talked to them about Paul, the more I realized that I liked him. A lot. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him and he was one of the closest people to me.

I giggled along with the girls at their silly predictions of the future about Paul and I getting married.

It's good to daydream sometimes.
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Thank you guys SO SO much for commenting :]
I'm super busy right now so I haven't been able to reply to your comments and questions but I greatly appreciate them!

I'll try to post another one up tonight :]

Outfit =P