Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


“Sophie...Sophie,” I heard someone mutter through my sleep. The person was shaking me by the shoulder. I didn't have the strength to slap them away.

“Go 'way,” I mumbled and turned over to the other side, pulling my comforter over me tightly. I heard the person sigh and stop. I contently fell asleep again. All of a sudden a sharp poke woke me up completely.

“What?” I snapped as I saw my sister looking at me, her eyes wide with fear. I rubbed my own and sighed. “What do you want Beth?”

“There's someone outside,” she whispered. “They keep on throwing things at my window.” I raised and eyebrow tiredly. She probably drank a little too much during our New Year's celebration. I glanced at me clock. 3:42 AM.

“Bethany, you're imagining things, go back to sleep,” I said and tried to lay down bu Beth grabbed my hand.

“Come look, please?” she pleaded and I gave in. We headed to the window in her room. I squinted outside but saw nothing. However as my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw a dark figure just inside our fence. The person raised a hand when they saw me. Beth glanced at me with worry. I opened the window and leaned out. The figure walked into the light and I saw that it was Paul.

“Hey! I probably got the wrong window, didn't I?” he whispered and I couldn't help but smile.

“Yeah, what are you doing here?” I whispered back.

“I need you to come out, grab a coat,okay?” without waiting for my response he turned around and walked to the front of the house. Beth looked at me, her eyes wide.

“You're not going, right?” she asked.

“Of course I am,” I replied simply. “Go back to sleep, don't worry.”

After I convinced Beth to go to sleep, I took my coat and made it outside silently. The cold air hit me like a brick wall. My breath was coming out in big clouds as I made my way toward Paul. He grinned at me.

“Sorry for waking you up but I have to show you something,” he muttered.
We made our way to his car, which was a few blocks away.

“This couldn't wait till the morning?” I asked him curiously once we were driving. He shook his head.

“I'm not supposed to show you this,” he answered and took a right turn, driving toward the cliff where he and his friends used to dive.

He stopped the car and we got out. It was pitch black and the forest was looming over us.

“We'll need to go through the woods,” he said calmly and stuck out his hand. I looked at him, bewildered. He wanted me to go inside in the dead of night? I let out a defeated sigh and took his hand.
I stayed close to Paul as we made our way upward. Finally we came to a small clearing. Paul warned me not to come to close to the edge. If you looked straight forward, it looked like only the ocean was in front of you.

Paul sat down on the ground and patted a spot next to him. I sat down and shivered; the cold ground wasn't helping me. I was dressed only in my pajamas and coat. Paul pulled me to his side.

“Here, you'll be much warmer,” he said and I smiled up at him. He was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, nothing else.

“We've got to wait a bit, alright?” he asked me. I shrugged.

“I've got no choice,” I muttered and Paul grinned.


He was acting as he usually did. There was no tension between us.
All of a sudden Paul tensed up, he was looking down toward the beach.

“Look,” he whispered and pointed toward a spot. I looked but saw nothing. I squinted.

“There's nothing there,” I mumbled but Paul shushed me. Suddenly I gasped. A line of wolves was walking across the beach. I was no expert in wolves but even I could tell that they were much too large. There were about 6 of them and they strolled freely across the shore. I watched with awe and fear as the smallest wolf playfully bit at another wolves shins. They started to wrestle playfully. Suddenly a wolf at the head of the pack barked at them angrily.

I watched in silence as they disappeared into the forest. I was open-mouthed. I turned to Paul who was chewing on his lip nervously.

“They LIVE here? Amongst us?” I asked. He nodded.

“They protect us,” he replied and I let out a bitter laugh. How could I be sure that one of those monsters didn't attack my uncle? “They're not regular wolves, you saw their size, right?” I nodded.

I was a bit shocked quite honestly. All those times that I've gone into the forest, those animals were next to us. Somewhere in the forest they might've watched as we laughed and joked around.

Paul was looking at me expectantly. I didn't know how to react so I just gave him a sad smile. His face fell a bit.

“You're probably tired, I'll take you home now,” he said in defeat. He got up and I followed suit. We rode in silence. I saw Paul grip the steering wheel angrily at times. I honestly didn't know how to understand this night.
Paul cut the engine when he stopped not too far away from my house. I turned to him.

Listen Paul, I'm sorry if you didn't get the correct reaction,” I started but he cut me off.

“I made a mistake, I'm sorry,” he sighed. “I just thought that you'd be able to see them as something else besides monsters.” He looked away.

“Look at me,” I said and he turned his head my way. “I'll try but I need time. I don't know why but I can see that this is important to you.” He just nodded.

Seeing his upset face made me want to get away as soon as possible. I opened the door to get out but all of a sudden Paul reached over me and pulled it shut. I turned to him, ready to start complaining but as soon as I did, Paul pressed his lips against mine.
I froze for a minute but my brain (seeming on automatic) kissed him back. The kiss wasn't passionate or fiery; it was simple and sweet. And it only lasted for about 4 seconds. Paul pulled back. He had a small smile playing on his lips but he wouldn't look at me.

“You can go now,” was all he said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait :\
