Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


“I don't know what to do with my life,” Jacob said as Paul passed him a wrench. I took a sip of my Pepsi and shrugged.

“I guess I had that too but I always knew that I had to get far away from home,” I replied. Paul looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I gave him a smile.

“Why?” Jacob asked as he wiped the sweat off his brow. He was currently fixing up Paul's Mustang.

“I want some freedom I guess,” I said. “From my mother.” I added when I saw Jacob look confused. Paul left his spot next to Jacob and sat down next to me on an empty bucket. I handed him my Pepsi which he finished in one gulp.

“You don't have to leave Forks,” Paul said. I rolled my eyes.

“I want to,” I assured him. Paul's eyes burned into mine and I quickly looked away, feeling myself blush.

“Nothing's holding you back?” Jacob piped up. I twisted my fingers together.

“There are some things, yeah, but I don't want to stay here,” I said simply. Jacob opened his mouth to protest, to find out why but Paul cut him off.

“Hey, leave it, she said she doesn't want to and that's her choice,” he said rather roughly to Jacob. Paul knew perfectly well that I didn't want everyone to know why I didn't like Forks or the woods that surrounded it.

“Well do you know at least what college you want to go to?” I asked Jacob and he nodded.

“I'll go to one in the reservation,” he replied. “I can't leave Forks.” I frowned.

“Why not?” I asked him and he glanced at Paul.

“You've got your secrets and I've got mine,” he replied with a grin. I smiled back and turned to Paul.

“What about you?” I asked and he shrugged. Instead of answering he tugged on my french braid playfully.

“I can't leave,” he said. “I've got a job here.”

“I didn't know,” I said with newly born interest. “What job?”
The boys probably assumed that I didn't see the long stare that they shared before Paul answered me.

“I sort of...take care of the forest,” he said.

“A park ranger?” I inquired. Again, he shrugged.

“Yeah, a protector of sorts,” he said flatly. I got the hint: this was a touchy subject. I small knock to our left caught out attention. Bella Swan was standing in the doorway, a shy smile on her face as she looked from Jacob to me to Paul.

“Bells!” Jacob exclaimed and strutted over to Bella. He hugged her tightly and I saw Paul roll his eyes.

“We'd better go,” he said gruffly and without a word to anyone walked out of the garage. I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

“Hi Sophie,” Bella greeted me as I decided to follow after Paul. I gave her a smile.

“Hello but I have to go now, bye Jake,” I explained and walked to Paul, who was waiting for me not too far away.

“Well that was rude!” I said when we were out of earshot.

“I've got my reasons,” he said as we walked side by side to a nearby bus station. Realization dawned on me.

“You like her,” I said numbly and Paul started to laugh.

“God no! Are you crazy? I don't need her,” said and draped an arm around my shoulders. “I've got you.”

Every time he touched me and every time he made a comment about us being together, I would blush madly. It's been two weeks since the first time he kissed me and he made sure that everyone saw that we were together. I was still shy around him, especially when it came to me kissing him.

All these new feelings were great and I couldn't believe that I had gotten so lucky.

“I want Spring,” I whined as I shifted from foot to foot. The bus was taking forever.

“Come here,” Paul said and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face in the crook of his neck. Almost immediately I felt the warmth spread over me.

“You're always so warm, like a radiator or something,” I mumbled lamely and I felt Paul shake as laughter rippled through him. I looked up at him and smiled. His face always lit up when he was in a good mood.
Paul saw me looking at him and stared back. I had to fight not to look away. It was always sort of a challenge from him to me.
Paul kissed me sweetly, letting his lips linger on mine. I smiled into the kiss.

The reward for the challenge was always sweet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, I'm very sorry for the wait! But I'll post up a few more over the next couple of days, promise :]
