Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


“He looks amazing here,” Angelina, a blonde from my geometry class, breathed out as she looked at a magazine.
Her friend Stephanie, a pretty brunette who had most of my classes, nodded excitedly.

“I can’t wait to see Charlie St.Cloud,” she said. Angelina turned to me.

“Do you like Zac Efron?” she asked me and I shrugged. I stopped trying to solve the algebra homework we got assigned yesterday; it was too hard.

“Who’s he?” I asked, tearing my eyes away from the word problems. Stephanie looked at me as though I was crazy.

“Zac Efron! Look,” she said and pushed the magazine toward me. A handsome young man with bright blue eyes stared back up at me. I smiled.

“He’s alright, a bit feminine looking,” I told her and she frowned.

“But do you know who he is?” Stephanie asked me and I shook my head. Angelina’s eyes bugged out.

“Everyone knows him!” she almost yelled and I thought quickly. I was going to blow my cover.

“They probably don’t know him in Germany, after all I spend five years in that village,” I explained and Stephanie relaxed.

“Well you’ve missed out on a lot Sophie,” she said and shook her head sadly. Angelina’s eye slit up.

“Let’s all go see Charlie St.Cloud! You in Sophie?” she asked me and I couldn’t help but smile widely. I was finally going to have regular friends.

“Sure, it’ll be great,” I said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Who are these girls?” my mother asked as we were eating dinner.

“We go to school together mom, they’re nice,” I explained but the crease on my mother’s brow didn’t disappear.

“Do they know where you’ve been?” mom asked me and I didn’t understand her at first. I sighed in frustration.

“They think I was an exchange student in Germany, mom,” I stated flatly. She was just about to question me more when my dad interrupted her.

“Catherine I think that’s enough interrogating Sophie,” he said to her and turned to me. “You can go of course; it’s wonderful that you’ve made friends.” I smiled back at him. I was honestly happy that my father was able to understand me.

I got ready quickly, not wanting to keep the girls waiting. I dressed in jeans and a black halter top with a pink hoodie over it. I wanted to be casual, I wanted to be normal.

Stephanie and Angelina picked me up at four; Stephanie was driving. The girls chatted about different things ranging from music to books. They informed me about all the most popular movies and stars at this time. They were genuinely surprised when I didn’t recognize such big names like Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga.
The movie was interesting. The girls got very emotional toward the end but I just smiled at their silliness.

As we exited some loud laughing caught our attention. Standing not too far away from the movie theater were three guys. As my eyes adjusted I recognized them as the Quileute boys. I felt a sudden pull toward them and they noticed us looking at them.

“Hey, why are three beautiful girls standing all alone?” one of them called to us. He had a baby face with a cute smile. They walked toward us and introduced themselves: Embry, Paul and Quill. I watched as Angelina and Stephanie started to flirt. I didn’t know how to for I was always hidden away from this stuff.
Mother hid away any romance from me. I could’ve learnt it from TV but my mother even controlled that. Soon enough, the boys invited all of us to a bonfire that was in the reservation.

It wasn’t late; only six o’clock. And it wasn’t even dark yet. Besides, I’d tell mother that we went to a nearby café and sat there, talking for hours.

“We’ll go through the forest: it’s the fastest way,” Embry said and started walking toward it. That phrase had me rooted to the spot.

“I can’t go there,” I whispered to myself. The boy named Paul looked at me.

“Why?” he asked curiously. I cursed at myself silently; did I really say it so loud? I hesitated.

“I…I’ve got to get home,” I replied quickly.

“But it’s only 6,” Angelina protested and I smiled at her.

“My mother asked me to come home early,” I explained and she looked downcast. Stephanie looked at the boys sorrowfully.

“I guess we’ve got to go,” she mumbled and I shook my head.

“No, no, you girls stay; I’ll make it home by myself,” I told her and Angelina brightened up.

“Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow,” she replied and followed the boys. Stephanie looked at me doubtfully.

“Go on Steph, I’ll be fine,” I reassured her. I watched as the group of teenagers left. Paul looked back over his shoulder at me. I quickly looked away and started going to the nearest bus station. I had to catch the nearest bus to Forks.

I fought bitter tears all the way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
A big thanks to kitten for commenting!
It made me eager to post another chapter.
Sofie's 'incident' will be revealed as she gets to know Paul, which is very soon.
Comments = :]