Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


I leaned against the kitchen counter and stared out the window. The rain had stopped. I drummed my fingers against the countertop, not sure what to do.
The trip with the girls to the movie theater was two weeks ago. Ever since that day I haven’t stopped thinking about the fact that I didn’t go to the bonfire. I knew what the problem was but I couldn’t explain it to the girls. They were raving on and on about how great and fun it was and it was making me feel more and more bitter.

Dr.Cullen’s voice floated back to me. I couldn’t understand the logic behind his words. Face my fears? Would that do any good? Or would I be more frightened than I already was? I was terrified of the woods and going there would make me lose the little of my sanity that I had left.
bit my lip and shifted my eyes to the clock on the wall. Five forty six. Without thinking I grabbed my sweatshirt and walked outside. I locked the door and stood on the front step for a few minutes. I turned left and began to walk slowly. I wasn’t sure where I was going; all I was aware of was the woods that surrounded me. I stayed close to the curb, watching out for cars.

I shot sideway glances at the forest. I wanted to take a step toward them but it was as though something was pulling me back. I knew what it was. It was my fear. It was pulling me back like a magnet.

I had been walking for about an hour when my phone rang. My mother’s hysterical voice sounded from it.

“Where are you Sophie?” she demanded.

“I went out for a walk mom,” I tried to calm her down.

“I want you home this instant, do you hear me?” she snapped and hung up, without letting me answer.

I let out a sigh and looked mournfully at the forest. I hadn’t gathered any courage up. I couldn’t even take a step toward it. I lost.

Forest – 1, Sophie – 0.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I got 5 chapters out within 3 days. w00t.
I'm feeling really good about this story and as I write, I fall more and more in love with Paul.
Speaking of Paul, he's going to show up in the next chapter :]

Comments make me feel warm and fuzzy.