Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


My head snapped up as a branch nearby snapped. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw a cat wander out of the woods. I continued to walk along the road with my hand stretched out toward the forest. Branches and leaves hit against it occasionally. I hummed a song to myself that I heard on the radio.

I’ve only been walking for about half an hour. It was too early to even consider going into the forest. I’ve been taking walks daily for the past two weeks and with no progress. I couldn’t make myself step into that creepy place.

It was getting dark and a shiver rippled down my spine. Have you ever noticed how everything seems fifty times scarier in the dark? When you’re a child, the bathrobe that hangs on your closet door seems to be the creepiest ghost in the world.

I started to walk back in the direction of my home. I haven’t realized just how far I had wandered from my house. I took out my cell phone to check the time but my head snapped up when I heard rustling to my left. I jumped about a foot when I saw a young man emerge from out of the woods. He let out a bark like laugh.

“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he called out to me and jogged across the road to walk next to me. I gave him a weak smile, gently putting a hand to my heart.

“Hello Sophie,” he said to me and stuck out his hand. I frowned.

“We’ve met?” I asked extending my hand to him. He nodded.

“I’m Paul, we met when you were in Port Angeles with your friends,” he said as he let go of my hand. I remembered him at that moment.

“Oh yeah, hi,” I said.

“You disappeared really quickly that day,” he noted. I started spinning my phone in my hand. I didn’t look at Paul but I could feel his eyes wandering over my face.

“Yeah, I had to go,” I murmured. It just dawned on me that we were walking toward my house.

“You said that you couldn’t go on the forest,” he said all of a sudden. My phone flopped out of my hands and rolled down into the forest. I couldn’t see it from where I was standing; it was much too dark. My breath caught in my throat. Paul looked at me curiously. I stayed rooted to the spot.

I won’t go in there. The phone wasn’t that expensive. I didn’t need it. I would get a new one. It’s alright but it’s not alright. My mother would ask questions and she’d see right through my lies. She’d wonder how it got in the forest.

“Aren’t you going to get it?” I heard Paul ask from behind me. I turned around and looked at him.

“Can you get it?” Paul frowned.

“Why can’t you?” he asked me. I bit my lip.

“Will you?” I asked him again, ignoring his question. He smirked and walked into the forest. I was amazed at how at ease he felt in there. He walked farther down from me and I saw him bend down and pick something up.

“I have it here!” he yelled back to me. I couldn’t see his features for it was so dark.

“Great!” I said nervously. “Will you come back now?” I heard him snicker.

“Nope, come and get it yourself,” he replied and I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Please Paul, just bring it back,” I almost pleaded. I saw Paul’s hazy shape bend down again and he started walking to me. When he was about a foot away he extended his balled up hand to me. I smiled in relief as I put out my hand to take the phone but in a flash, Paul’s hand was around my arm and he was pulling me into the forest.

“Paul, what are you doing? Let me go,” I yelled at him but he ignored me. I struggled against him as he pulled me further in. Soon we were both engulfed by the dark. I could hear leaves and bushes rustling around us. I could hear the forest moving, breathing, watching. The road was getting farther from us and as much as I struggled, I couldn’t pull free of Paul’s grip.

“It’s right here,” Paul said through a smile and released my arms.

As soon as he let go, I bolted toward the direction of the road. Branches hit against my face and twigs snapped under my feet. I could hear strange noises coming from all around me.
Tears blurred my vision and I tripped and fell. I quickly got up. I was sobbing now and I heard Paul’s footsteps behind me. He called out my name but I ignored him as I practically crawled toward the road. I could imagine the monster coming after me, tearing me limb from limb. I stumbled out onto the road, almost fell but quickly regained my balance.

Without a second glance back, I ran home, tears streaming down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Paul :]
So I've realized that visuals are really nice and decided to post outfits for Sophie.
What do you think? Should I?

Outfit for this chapter

Comments make me happy. :]