Status: Hiatus until further notice.

Just Let It Go


My feet pounded on the pavement as I ran in the direction of my school. Sweat was pouring down my neck so I unzipped my sweatshirt. My breath was steady. I was enjoying myself.

After persuading my mom to believe that I was perfectly well, she agreed to me going out. I continued to take walks or jogs close to the woods. Yes, I still don't have the courage to go inside but at least I can walk next to it.

I was still looking back at my school when suddenly I collided with something hard. I let out a small 'ow' as I fell on my back. That 'something hard' laughed. I looked up into Paul's smiling eyes.

“Hi Sophie, I'm sorry,” he said and offered my his hand, still laughing. I offered him a smile and took his hand. He lifted me up easily.

“Where are you going?” he asked and I shrugged as I looked around.

“I should probably go home,” I said when I noticed that it was getting dark.

“I'll walk with you?” he asked and I nodded. We started walking toward the direction of the house.

“Do you always hang out around here?” I asked Paul as we walked. The air was cool and, despite my being hot just a second ago, I zipped up my sweatshirt.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“The reservation is far away, isn't it? I always seem to see you here,” he said.

“Well yeah, life in the reservation gets boring,” Paul mumbled. He was uncomfortable so he changed the conversation. “You like running?” I shrugged.

“You're very steady, I mean everyday you're out here,” he noticed and I frowned.

“How do you know?” I asked him. Paul rubbed his neck.

“I uh..I've just seen you this past week,” he said.

“Are you watching me Paul?” I teased him and he laughed.

“I wanted to talk to you but I was afraid you'd run from me,” he said, hinting to the last time we walked together. I chewed on my bottom lip, not saying anything.

“I haven't seen you around Forks before,” he said.

“Yeah, I moved back here just recently,” I explained and he nodded, not asking anything. I know my tone may have been harsh but I didn't want him to pry. My mother has finally stopped interrogating me when I come home from school.

Paul was just about to say something when we saw a car coming toward us. We scooted closer to the side and the car slowed down next to us. It was a one of those expensive cars, a Mercedes I think. The window rolled down and I saw Dr.Cullen. He smiled at me.

“Hello Sophie,” he said to me and nodded at Paul. I noticed that Paul had stiffened next to me and wasn't looking at the doctor.

“Hello doctor,” I replied.

“You've taken my advice,” he stated with a small smile.“It's good that you're not doing this alone. Support is always needed.”

I wanted to protest and say that Paul wasn't my support but I just smiled.

“Any more dreams?” he asked and Paul looked curiously at me. I felt uncomfortable. I didn’t want Paul to know about my past.

“Just a few but not every night,” I said quietly and Dr.Cullen nodded. He glanced at Paul who openly glared at him. I was a bit shocked by his behavior.

“That's good, they'll soon disappear,” he said and drove off with a 'good-bye'.

Immediately Paul was on me. He kept firing questions at me. How do you know the doctor? What dreams? What advice did I take?

“Look, it's a really long story,” I finally answered.

“I haven't got anything else to do,” he said simply. I didn't know how to get out of this one but thankfully my house came into view.

“Sorry Paul but I've got to go,” I said and jerked my head toward the house. He smiled.

“Okay but you're not getting away that easily, I'll still find out next time,” he said and I managed a smile.

After we bid each other good-bye I went home. It was funny but for some reason my heart fluttered when I realized there would be a 'next time'.
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Okay so all my story stats like readers/subscribers/comments are all at 0.

Is ANYBODY reading this story? o.O

Oh and outfit of course!