Status: Sorry kids, HUGE writter's block :/ comment with any ideas? :)

Drop Dead, Gorgeous

Beginning Of The End

“That house has been for sale since last year. They should just tear it down and build a new one." my mother was saying,"we'll all be better off without the awful house across the street." She flipped over the pancakes. 

"I think it's beautiful." I mumble while drinking some chocolate milk. I guess she heard me. 

"Don honey, that house is wrecked all round. No one will ever buy it, well no one good that is. By how much that house is going for; a hobo could move in." 

"You never know." I smiled. "A famous person can move in just wanted to get away from all the fame and glory for a couple weeks or something." 

My mum shook her head,"I don't know how you come up with this stuff." 

"Its the only a way to tell I'm your daughter." I smirked and I put the dishes in the sink. 

A week has passed and no famous person, but there was someone. He looked about a year or two older. He was out watering the brown and dry grass. 

I decided to go 'welcome him into the neighborhood.' I walked across the street and onto his lawn. His green eyes starring at me, he turned off the water. 

"Hi I'm Don. Welcome to your new house." he smiled back at me. "What's your name?" I ask as i sit on the steps of his porch. 

"Dereck" he sat next to me. 

"Hi I'm Don" I shook his hand. 

"Yeah, i caught that" he chuckled. 

"oh right" He could tell by my laugh I was a little embarrassed. "so where are you from?" 


I nodded. "cool, I have friends there." Dereck didn't say anything. "did you have a lot of friends that live in Texas?"

He shrugged. And I noticed the light catching his hair, it was purple. Purple has to be one of my favorite colors, I smiled. "I had a couple. There's this one guy, my best friend. His name's Jacob. You kind of remind me of him a little." he smiled at me. 

"how?" I just meet this kid about 8 minutes ago and he already says I remind him of someone? 

"well, I could tell your that kind of person who is always curious about someone. Mainly cause you just cane over and decided to sit on my porch." he laughed. " your curiosity probably gets the best of you doesn't it?" 

"Uh....yeah." I laughed. He shook his head Jokingly. "so Jacob's curiosity always go to him too?"

Dereck nodded. "he got in hell of a lot of trouble for it too." he rolled his eyes. "he was stupid sometimes...most of the time." he chuckled again. 

I shook my head and rolled my eyes playfully."sounds like me, I have to admit." Dereck tsk'ed. "so when are you starting school?" I asked. 

"My uncle home schools me."


"Don!" my mother shouted from across the street. I looked over to her and she had that face. I knew I was in trouble. Her finger waved at me to go home. 

"Uh...yeah, she looks pretty mad." Dereck gave a nervous smile. 

"yeah cause she is..." I stood up and so did Dereck. "I think that means I gotta get home" I laughed. 

"I'm scared for you." he said jokingly. 

"yeah if you hear me screaming it's probably cause my guts are pulled put of me." I made a disgusting sound and he laughed at me. " I'll see you later" I waved

 As I walked past my mum she was telling me how she told me so many times that my room needs to be cleaned and I never do it and I always get side tracked and blah blah blah. 

I couldn't help but look out at Dereck every time I passed by my window. His purple hair shining and his green eyes that made his face and olive skin tone stand out. I didn't realize I stopped what i was doing and was staring until he looked right at my room. I quickly moved and fell to the floor. Cursing myself for hurting my knees. That was Uh...pretty awkward...
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Hi!! OK! Chapter 1! Yaay! Haha feedback por favor? Yes yes? I don't care if it's good or bad. Then I'll know what to change. So you'd be helping me if I was horrible and you telling me so. Please!!! Haha :D and yes, I took the background picture :) haha