Status: Sorry kids, HUGE writter's block :/ comment with any ideas? :)

Drop Dead, Gorgeous


"I hate Mondays" I groan as I slammed my hard into the book at my desk. 

"how was your weekend?" Andy asked while poking my head. Andy has been my best friend since Jr.high. There's not a real big story there. We just had a class together and I copied off of him. We liked a majority of the same music. And we just started talking out of class. 

I shrugged, "nothing really hap pend. It was a pretty chill and lazy weekend oh! People moved into Cindy's house" I stated. Proud to remember. 

"no way" Andy said sarcastically. "how exciting" 

"it is." I said ignoring the sarcasm. "there's a boy maybe a year or two older than us. I talked to him. He's pretty chill" 

"oh. Is he your new boyfriend?" Andy laughed.  

I shot him a playfully glare. "what are you trying to say?"

"that I-"

Andy didn't finish. He got interrupted by Mrs. B coming in and told the class to basically shut up. 

When class was over Andy I walked over to our spot under the the stairs. 

"so who's the guy you were talking about?" he asked to start a conversation. 

"my neighbor" I smile. Playing smart ass on him. 

" I mean what's his name?" he rolled his eyes. 


"he doesn't go to school?"

"his uncle home schools him" I say as I took a bite of celery with peanut butter. 

"why?" Andy asked while taking a bite of pizza. 

I shrugged. "I don't know" I laugh. 

"what?! You don't know?" 

"why would I know?" I laugh. 

"cause the first day I meet you, you followed me home!"

I swallowed my food and looked at Andy seriously and put a hand on his shoulder,"Andy, you were gonna be my best friend in friendship hood. I needed to know everything about you." I took my hand back and ate another celery stick. 

Andy rolled his eyes and mumbled "stalker" 

"I heard that" I snapped playfully. "and it was only once!" 

Andy has black hair that's barely reaches his shoulders. His hair gets in his face a lot but tries his best to move It oh of the way. He's about 5 inches taller than me. Slim. Skater jeans. Fallen shoes and beautifully big brown eyes. 
Andy didn't say anything. "I was a detective!!" I reason. 

"Coming in my house, cornering me in my kitchen...that's not a detective" he laughs. 

"Uh...I was straight forward?" I laughed. 

The bell to third rang. " c'mon Andy, your class is next to mine" I stood up and helped Andy up too. 

"have you noticed you've been saying that since the beginning of the year?" 

"what you're point?" I smile. 

"it's April!" I love to get Andy frustrated. "Never mind" he sighs. "let's just go. I've been late for the last couple of days. And I'm tired of detention."

"only cause Martha's in there every hour" I smirk. 

"Well it's weird if one of your friends like you and don't fell the same way"

"just give her a chance! You don't even know if you don't like her the same way! Just a date. Would it kill you? No! Would she stop bugging about it? Probably." I laugh. 

Martha is very nice but she has a temper with people she doesn't like. She's smart so there's a lot of annoying smart asses in her honor classes. So she talks back a lot. It's pretty hilarious. Which is the detention part. She has Blondie hair and green eyes. But she doesn't dress like a slut. Which moat people do nowadays. I think Martha and Andy would look awesome together. 

"I don't even know her" Andy argued. 

"which is what dating Is for!" This kid obviously doesn't know the basic meaning of dating. 

Andy rolled his eyes. " I'm get to class." he laughed.
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Yeah....second chapter! Hahah :DD let me know what you think Kay? :) good or not. Haha SUBSCRIBE&comments?! Yes yes?
Woo!! Haha