Status: Re-writing / Editing of material when 13.

Why Is This So Unbearable

The Bad Day

What a beautiful day it was, besides the fact I was cooped up in the classroom learning about sex and about how to pleasure women! Pfft, like I would care. It is dumb how the teachers make me do this, I mean everyone at this school knows I'm gay, yet I'm still forced to do this.

Oh well, soon I will be outside in my favorite weather of all the rain. Oh how I love the rain! But not just sprinkling, I mean full hard-forced torrential rain with all the wind and hail. Oh how beautiful it is, and the smell after the rain had stopped. It was just magnificent! But I'm cooped up in her learning something that wouldn't count for me what so ever! Just five more minutes Gerard. And you are out of here, you are free no-one telling you what to do!

I was looking up at the clock on the wall and secretly counting down in my head. 5... 4... 3... 2...1... I rushed out of the classroom before anyone else as soon as I heard to 3:15 bell. Usually I would wait for the rush of people to calm down, but I just couldn't wait to get out there!

I was spinning around in the rain ignoring everyone going "Look! The emo fag is also a retard," and crap like that! Then it happened, some older guy grabbed me and was pulling me away. No-one cared they just kept walking, ignoring my screams for help! Even my brother didn't seem to notice. "Help," I yelled! But, yet again, no-one noticed!

I was being dragged away to a white van by some sick perverted guy! That’s when I realized that he was a doctor. He had a badge that said Dr. Smith. Great I was being kidnapped by a sick perverted Doctor! I was being chucked into the back of the van in broad daylight and no-one seemed to notice! Once I was in the back of the van the so called "doctor" jumped in and slammed the doors behind him.

He crawled up to me and said "I've been planning this for a long time boy!"

And at that, he tied me up and gagged me! He then realized that I could still move around a bit, so he lifted my already tied-together hands and lifted them up whilst dragging me over to a wall. He then got some plastic thing and knotted my arms to the mesh that separated the front of the van from the back.

At this, he looked at me in a satisfied way and left the back of the van. He went outside to open the door to the front of the van. He got in and said "Be careful back there boy, if anything brakes you get the punishment for it," then he started driving like a maniac. Intentionally, just so something would brake!
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Comments please I need to know weither to go on or not!