Status: Re-writing / Editing of material when 13.

Why Is This So Unbearable


Mikeys P.O.V

I walk back into Frank's room with two coffee's one for Gerard and one for myself. I try and get Gerard to drink it but fail.
I wonder if now is the time to tell him?
To tell him about the booking I made with the hand surgeon, but I doubt he will agree to go I meen look at Frank , thats Gerard's Love Gerard's Hope , and it is slowly fading away. But this is his one chance to have hands for fucks sake, I'm just gonna tell him!
"Uhh Gerard."
"Yeh Yes Mikes"
"Umm what would you do if I told you I booked you in with a very talented hand surgeon and I booked you in for tonight, and that this is our only chance to get your hands back , and that this sergeons last night here is tonight and that The surgeon has offered to do it for free."
" No. I'm Staying here with Frank he needs me, what if he wakes up and I'm not here? What if he thinks I didn't visit? What if he gets the all clear and checks out and Kills himself?"
"But Gerard this is a once in a lifetime chance, and its scheduled for late tonight so I doubt Frank will wake up. And I don't think this is about Frank I think this is because your petrified of doctors! Gerard nothing bad is going to happen this is a GOOD oppourtunity, dont let it get past you."
"Mikes I have to be here when Frank wakes up I Fucking Love Him, and this is my fault , if i just didnt rush out of class that day ,"he" wouldntv'e gotten me and Frank wouldn't be depressed from it all."
"Gee It's a nightime that your having the surgery I doubt Frank will wake up during the night."
"Yeah and we all probably had high doubts of what happened to me happening to me but it happened didnt it,just because you doubt something will happen doesn't meen it will result in not happening."
"Fine then lets make a deal if Frank doesnt wake up from now till five minutes before the booking we go and if he does you be there for him until our scheduled time."
"Fine. But.."
"No But's ,its settled okay, now are you hungry?"

[ five hours of nothing besides mikey trying to get gerard to eat pass by]

I Stare at Gerard. He Hasn't Eaten Since the day we got here. That was two whole days ago surely he must be starving.
"Gee baby eat something" Is what Fankie would say, and Gerard would surely listen to him.
"Gerard If Frank was awake right now I'm sure he would tell you to get some rest and eat something before your surgey its 7:30pm, Its happening in two hours you need some food."
He just ignores me.
He just sits there rocking back and forth like some maniac, hes probably thinking " He's still not awake , still not awake ,still not awake ,still not awake ,still not awake . Just a never ending thought of words that are full of hope yet a sign of failure.

He stops rocking after about 15 minutes and turns into a shake.
I hate to see Him like this and I hate to see Frank like this too. The two people I love the most are having it rough while I get spoiled by my parents.
"Gee It's 8:00 you need to eat something!"

"I'm Hungry."says somone whom isn't Gerard.
Gerard jolts up and so do I , He's awake !
"Frankieeeeeeeee" I hear Gee Squeal. "Is That really you are you really awake are you okay, I'm sorry I did this it's all my fault Im sorry sorry sorry sorry!!"
"Gerard?" Frank Asks in question

At that Gerard gets pushed out of the way by doctors that have noticed the waking up of Frank. How dare they push my brother like that!