Sequel: Décès à Paris

Les Rues de Paris


As the people bustle about on the busy streets, I’m just waiting for the new year to come. It’ll be one of the last years I spend with her, one of the last times that we’ll get to stay up until all hours of the night, one last time to watch the ball drop as we’re greeted with the fate of whatever the new year decides to give us. I know that he’s watching over her, after all, after I heard about the battle that she’s fighting, I want him to watch over her.

Whether it be to take her away from me or to protect her long enough for us to complete everything we wanted to do together. I turn to my right and look up at the tower that overlooks all the buildings of Paris. It’s too far up for me to see him, but I know that he’s there. I smile to myself as I continue shopping.

Tonight’s a special night and I want to make everything perfect for her. I know how much she loves her cigarettes and her stiff drinks so I’m going to deal with it just for tonight. I’ll bitch about it later… if we’re granted another day. Each time I’m reminded, it hurts too much to breathe. She’s going to be taken away from me, sooner or later.

My tear-rimmed eyes spot the perfect gift on the street market’s table to satisfy her for tonight. Hopefully a glass of wine and yours truly would please her. And besides, the alcohol would take away from the pain of what she’s fighting inside her body.

I hand my small amount of money to the guy behind the stand as I pick up the old bottle of red wine. Smiling to myself, I start back towards our apartment where I know she’s waiting and I silently pray that this won’t be our last night together.

God, grant me the rest of the year to be with her.