Sequel: Before You Say I Do

And You're Just What I Need...

Day Sixty-Two

I woke up to Adams voice, “why do I have your sisters phone? Well, Blake was it? that’s a very good question. You see-“ I move a little so that I sitting up more and looked over at him, confused, “oh thank god you’re awake.” Adam says, tossing me my phone.

I rub my head a little confused and pick up the phone, “Blake?”

“explain this instant Juliana!”

“um, first off, I’m 22, I think I can have a guy in my bed. With that said, Adam was who you were talking to and he’s my boyfriend.”

“put him back on.” Blake says.

“hold up, why did you call so early?”

“oh, Katie wanted to talk to you.”

“well then put her on Blake!”


“Blake, you can harass Adam later, I want to speak to my daughter now.”

“fine, be that way,” I hear him call Katie and she takes the phone from him.

“hi mommy.” She says in her sweet voice.

“hey sweetie, how are you?”

“good, we went to the Zoo yesterday!”

“really? Did you get to see the monkeys?”

“yes, and the kangaroos and elephants and-and everything!”

I laugh a little, “well it sounds like you had fun.”

“I did.”

“Katie sweetie, could you put your uncle back on?”


“I’ll make sure to call you next week, okay.”


“and don’t forget, you guys are coming over in a few months.” I remind her, she loved going on trips.

“I know! I can’t wait!”

“well that’s good to hear.”

“Love you mommy!”

“love you too Katie.” I hear the phone switch back to Blake.

“okay, where is he?”

I look sideways to Adam and smile, “he’s right here.” I tell him.

“well hand him the phone won’t you!”

“fine, fine.” I rest the phone against my shoulder for a second and turn to Adam.

“my brother would like to have a word with you.”

He grabs the phone from me and walks out of the room, “hey!” I yell after but instead of chasing after him I just hop into the shower. After about half an hour I climb out and wrap the towel tightly around me, walking to my closet.

“well, that was an interesting conversation.” Adam says behind me, I jump not knowing anyone was in the room. Turning, I spot him on my bed smirking.

“he’s just doing what you’d probably do with Katelyn.”

“yeah, I don’t think he likes me though.”

“oh, he likes ya. Trust me on that one.” I walk into the closet (yes, it’s a walk in) and close the door to get dressed.

“Katie seemed to like me though!” he yells through the door. I open it a crack and peak out.


“your daughter, Katie, she seemed to like me.”

“again, what?!”

Adam laughs, “she stole the phone from blake and started talking about school and then when I commented she goes, ‘you’re not my mom,” and I agreed with her on that and then she told me I had a pretty voice and handed me back to your brother.” I close the door and change into some jeans and t-shirt. And then walk back out and sit on the bed next to him.

“I think you should go make breakfast now.”

"You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“very much so.”

“well, Dakota’s already making it,”

I scrunch up my nose, “ick.”

Adam laughs and kisses my forehead before both of us climb off the bed and head downstairs.

Even with all the drama in the past two months, and the drama yet to come. I’ve somehow found peace within these four walls. For once in my life, I’m fully content with myself, my daughter, my boyfriend, my best friend and all in all, my life.

But hey, no one ever said the next four months were going to be as easy as the past two. I’m actually pretty sure I’ll be going to hell and back before my life becomes constant again.