New Year


My eyes fluttered open as a small ray of sun light filtered through the hotel curtains. I quickly closed them sighing. As much as I wanted to stay asleep, according to the clock on the table next to the bed it was definitely time to get up and face the day. At least what was left of it. I stretched a bit and shifted to my other side. I frowned when I didn't see a sleeping body next to mine. I knew it was silly and cliché of me, but I loved waking up to my boyfriend's face every morning.

I turned back to the table with the clock, and grabbed for my phone. I slid it open and mashed the 'Q' button until the picture I assigned to Patrick popped up on the screen. I paused for a second remembering when the picture was taken. It was two months ago at some party. Patrick's band mate, Adam, stole my phone, and Patrick gave me a very sloppy kiss on the cheek.

I shook my head, and then tapped my finger on the picture. I held it up to my ear as the phone started to dial the number. I fiddled with a loose string on the bed as I wait for Patrick to pick up his phone. A few seconds later a frown made it's way back to my face when I heard a sound come from the other side of the room. I looked over in the general direction of the noise and saw Patrick's phone.

He must have forgotten it when he left out to where ever he was going. I was about to hang up when I heard his message play.

"Aaron, don't hang up. I went to get us some breakfast. Couldn't find some paper so I left a note this way. Oh and if someone else called leave a message."

It was rushed, but it still made me smile. I hung up this time shaking my head. He still could have taken his phone, but at least I know where he is now. I sighed once more, laying down. This place seems so boring without Patrick here. I can't say it is completely silent though; there still was the hustle and bussle of New York City life outside the hotel. No, I guess the room just felt empty without him here.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't know why we got such a big room. We were only staying in the city for a few days. I shifted in the bed until I was comfortable. I'll just have to wait for Patrick to get back.

"Aaron." As I slowly came to, I felt someone brush loose strands of hair out of my face. "Baby you have to get up."

I let a small smile creep onto my face once I recognized the voice. "Where did you go this morning?" I opened my eyes to see a brown fringe.

"I thought I'd go and get us breakfast this morning, but it turns out I got lunch instead." He waved a brown bag in front of my face. "I found a nice sandwich shop a few blocks over."

I stretched some before sitting up, and taking the sandwich he handed me. Even before opening it the sandwich would be something vegan in nature. Since I've started to date Patrick, I've learned I liked a lot of the food he ate. That didn't mean I completely turned my back on a Wendy's burger, but if Patrick was around I would try to tone down my carnivore nature. He says I didn't have to change for him, but I could tell he was touched by it. Anyway back to the sandwich in my hand. I unwrapped it and was surprised to see it was a ham BLT.

"You got me meat?" I was honestly shocked. I took a bit out of it and revealed in the mouth watering taste that was bacon.

"Erm well..." he scratched the back of his head. "Not exactly."

I stopped chewing. "When you say 'not exactly' you make me think that it's poisoned or made out of human organs." Don't question the way my mind works; Patrick has learned to stop doing that years ago.

He opened his mouth to say something, but ended up just shaking his head. "No baby, I'm not trying to kill you. I just thought you could try this ham and bacon alternative." Yeah not making me feel any more comfortable about what I'm putting in my mouth, bub. Patrick explained what was in it, and finally convinced me I wasn't going to grow an extra limb or anything. At that I joked how it would be interesting if I grew a certain limb down below, if you know what I mean. He shoved me. "Shut up and eat you're sandwich."

I chuckled when I saw him blushing, but decided to just drop it. Instead I turned my attention back to the meatless meat sandwich that wouldn't kill me. God it was good.

After we were done eating Patrick checked the time. "Hm it's only four. We should start heading over to Time Square so we can get go spots or whatever."

“What?” I jumped out of bed trying to find a clean pair of pants. “I slept that late! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

“I did try, but you fell right back to sleep.” He threw me a shirt to put on. “Plus you looked too adorable.”

“Hmm.” I got on the rest of my clothes. “Okay let’s go!”

We’ve been down here at Time Square for about sevenish hours. There isn’t much to say about that. We’ve been partying like everyone else, and

“Fuck,” I said, smacking myself on the forehead.

“What is it hun?” Patrick hugged me from behind, and rested his arms on my hips.

“Meh, I gotta pee.”

“Ok I’m sure we can find some place that is open.”

“Alright… I’ll be right back.” I unwound myself from Patrick’s arms and started off towards the buildings to the right.” After about five minutes later I had somehow gotten further away from the buildings I was aiming for, but I managed. It only took another ten minutes to break free from everyone, and luckily I landed right in front of a place that was open. Then I was super lucky there was a restroom opened up to the public without having to buy anything. The only bad thing was the semi-long line of ten people waiting for the same thing.

I glanced down at my phone as it turned 11:33. Damn it if I knew it was that close to midnight I would have held it in or something. I sighed. Too late now I guess.

You know how when you’re waiting on waiting on something, like to use the restroom, and time moves so slowly? Well this doesn’t seem to be the case. By the time it was 11:47 there were only five people in line. What the fuck are these people doing in there that takes what? Forever to do! I was reduced to hitting my head against the wall behind me as the minutes flew by.

“About fucking time!” I yelled at the girl, who was in front of me the whole time, coming out of the restroom. I basically pushed her out of the way, and did my business as fast as possible. After speed washing and drying my hands, I bolted out of that place.

This was about the time I realized I should have brought Patrick with me. It took me about fifteen minutes to work my way out of that mess of people. There was no way I could make my way back to Patrick with only six minutes to midnight. I would call him, but my phone died as I check the time that last time. I sighed and took a good guess of where Patrick might be.

It was starting to get dangerously close to midnight now. My plan of finding Patrick was failing so far. I kept turning around frantically by now. I could have sworn I left him next to this group of people. Though looking around now I realize that in a crowd this large everyone looks the same.

Then everyone started cheering, and I looked up. The ball was starting to drop. There was less than a minute now until the New Year. I stopped walking, and slumped my shoulders forward. There was no way I could find Patrick in forty seconds.


This was supposed to be a fun night, and due to my lack of direction and stupidity I managed to ruin it.


Oh God, what if someone else tries to kiss my Patrick?

"Eight! Seven!"

I bet Patrick's worried sick by now.

"Six! Five! Four!"

Why the hell did my phone

"Three! Two!"

Oh well.

"One! Happy..." I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders and spin me around to face to owner of said hands. I wasn’t able to see whoever grabbed a hold of me before they smashed their lips to mine. I winced in the pain caused by our teeth clashing, and then I was in shock. Some stranger was kissing me when I have a boyfriend.

I snapped out of my daze enough to push the stranger away. “What’s the big idea? Oh.” I actually looked at the stranger who was assaulting me, and saw that it was Patrick. I smiled and pulled him back into the kiss. I pulled away to slap his shoulder playfully. “Don’t scare me like that! You hurt my teeth too.”

“Aw I sorry, Hun.” He pulled me closer to him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just so happy I was able to find you again. Also it is midnight, and I had to kiss you.”

“Mhm. Happy New Year by the way.”

“Happy New Year, Hun.” He picked me up and kissed me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go. Heh >_>;
Needs a lot of work.