Status: Still going, you all will have to wait for chapter 2~


Out With the Old Labs

In a darkened cell, lying on a blood covered floor was a small girl. She had short mussed brown tiger striped hair with small tiger’s ears protruding from her head and a striped tiger’s tail that curled out from her spine. As of now her ears were folded back as she slept. Her body was small, like that of a petite sixteen year old girl. Her clothes were tattered and covered with dirt and blood. Scars riddled her body along with recent wounds of torture. A bell rang as she awoke, her master was back and it was almost time for feeding. Her master, an evil scientist named Damian, was a horrible man that kept her locked away and tortured her to no end. The girl sat up with a wince and looked to the door of her cell, knowing that her master’s latest failed human experiment would come through that door and like always she would have to dispose of it or starve.
As the door started to open, she blinked, her blue eyes shining in the light and her pupils turning to a cat-like slit as she looked into the light. She could see Damian, his clean white hair that parted to the side and covered his left eye blended against the light and his red eyes with that constant sadistic look within them. “Time to eat, Sonia. Be careful with this one, he’s got acids in ‘im.” He says as he threw a corpse into the room and shut the door once again. She sighed and started to walk towards her meal, a chain rattled behind her as she moved the chain that connected her to the wall by a heavy leather collar that had been placed around her neck. She stared at the corpse before her body started to shift its form. She turned into an animal that looked much like a tiger, though along her spine she had scales like that of a crocodile’s, and large sabers with golden caps over them.
As she started to eat the corpse, a voice within the back of her mind laughed harshly. You are really going to eat whatever Master Damian gives you aren’t you? You are weak Sonia, just like that of a human. We’re not human Sonia; you don’t have to listen to him. Her tougher persona S88 finally spoke up, trying to get the girl to rebel against her creator, but she knew that would only cause her body more pain than what she was already in. The girl shook her head at the voice and continued to eat. ‘I do not want to… Master will hurt me if I go against him…’ She thought back to her alternate persona, who once again barked a cruel cackle, making the dominant persona wince. Afraid of what he will do to you? Sonia, you weakling, deal with the pain, and if he pushes you too far, attack like the animal you are. Stop submitting to him! S88 hollered at the tigress from the back of the mind, now giving her a headache. She stay silent though, not wanting to speak to her other personality, knowing that this argument would eventually be won by S88 and her brutal ways.
After disposing of the corpse, Sonia slowly padded back to a corner of the room to sleep. Curling up like the cat she was, she lay her head on her large tiger paws, and drifted off before her meal made her sick. She would sleep through the sickness and hold down her food better while in her deep slumber.


Meanwhile, Damian sat in his lab and tilted back in his favorite swivel chair, steel toed boots on the table and head tilted back on the chair. His red eyes had a bored expression in them, and even though it was the middle of the night, he wouldn’t sleep. Like any other scientist, he was a complete insomniac. He never slept and when he did it was only for a few moments. Other than his unusual liking for anything that causes pain, his DNA structure was also very… inhuman as to say the least. Destined to die as soon as he was born, Damian’s body was riddled with a severe spreading of cancer and the only way to fix that was in the hands of his father, Kaiza Akuma. Kaiza was a brilliant man who used science as the answer for everything, and to cure his son’s cancer he fused Damian’s DNA with that of a shark’s, turning his black hair white, his blue eyes red and giving him gills on his last four ribs. Back then he was only beginning his new life at the age of five. Now at the age of twenty two, Damian had learned to use his shark like mutations to their fullest abilities.
Kicking back off the desk, the shark soared back in his rolling chair with ease to a shelf that was not that far from where he had been in the first place, he was just too lazy to get up and walk over there. He looked through his files until he found what he was looking for and pulled out a large file with the name ‘Sonia’ written on the front. He took a note book from the file and started to write down notes for his recent observations. ‘Her electric current is almost gone now. I can barely see it any more. What is making it disappear?’ He thought as he sighed shutting the book and putting it back in the file before storing the file back on his shelf. He rolled back to his desk and sighed a bit, running a hand through his snow white hair.
He fell silent, now closing his eyes and searching for any electrical currents that might just look out of the ordinary. This was one of his many shark like abilities, being able to see and sense the electrical currents of everything and everyone around him. It seemed like a good ability to have when something goes wrong with your electrical system, but it wasn’t always that great. Humans and animals had many different currents and sometimes it was a bit too much for him to handle when there were so many people around him with strong electrical currents. He would get very dizzy at times and would have to leave where ever he was because he felt as if he was going to pass out from the overwhelming surge of electricity. Within his lab he was safe from this, for his facility had been built with more solar panels for energy than electric wires. He had been happy to pay for anything that wouldn’t irritate his shark like senses.
Damian lifted his head as he stood and ran his hand through his bangs, getting them back in his face. Though as his fingers coursed through his snow white hair, the shark hook that was hanging from a strand of his bangs pierced the tissue and muscle between his thumb and index finger. Without realizing it or feeling the pain he nonchalantly pulled his hand back and only then did he realize that the hook had gone through his hand. Sighing he pulled his hooked hand from his face so he could see what he was doing before trying to remove the large hook from his skin. It took him a mere five minutes to get the hook from his hand and bandage the wound before going back to what he was doing before getting hooked.
It was true that he hated his past and what had happened to him due to his father’s experimentation on his body, though he kept reminders of the people that had made fun of him and out casted him from the world. The shark hook in his hair and the large piece of wire that had been weaved through the cartilage of his right ear, for example, had a story behind them. As he sat there staring at the ceiling, his photographic memory started to replay exactly what had happened that made him keep the hook and wire where they are today.

“Hey look it’s the shark boy.” A small boy with short blond hair called to his friends, who looked to Damian and smirked as they watched him walk down the street. Damian was of age seven, two years after his father cured his cancer, and the mutations were starting to show. His hair was black striped with white, and his eyes were a two tone. The right being blue, while the other was red. He had gills hidden under his shirt, and a small fin like growth on his back that he constantly kept hidden by wearing hoodies and things that would cover the small fin. He was a silent kid, who rarely spoke to anyone but his parents, though today was an unusual day for him. He had gained a friend who seemed to accept him. He glanced to his side just to see a fairly large stone coming at him and ducked out of the way before hearing laughter coming from where the stone had been thrown from. There were three kids there that he knew from his school. Alexander, a small blond boy with blue eyes and the leader of this particular group, Alexis, Alexander’s twin sister, and of course Nick, a brown haired boy with green eyes and undoubtedly the biggest bully in the school next to Alexander. The young Damian didn’t know what to think of this, and being shy as he was, he simply wanted to walk away, though as fate would have it, he saw his new friend with the group of kids that insisted on throwing stones at him.
”Alexis… W-what are you doing? Why are you throwing rocks at me…? I thought we were friends…” He stuttered out quite timidly, getting a stone to the head as he spoke. He staggered back holding his head, the impact making a deep gash in the skin, dying his white streaks crimson. “Score!” Nick exclaimed as it was his throw that hit the young shark boy. Alexis then approached Damian herself, giggling all the while. Something was wrong, he knew it and as the girl came closer to him, he started to back up.”What is wrong Damian? I thought we were friends.” She says, her smile filled with fake emotion, her blue eyes having a sadistic look in them, a look that Damian knew all too well. “N-no… You aren’t my f-friend any more… Y-you are mean to me j-just like everyone else.” He started to tear up as the girl he thought was a friend laughed at him. “Damian, I never wanted to be friends with you. I was only pretending so you would trust me.” She states, her voice no longer that soft innocent tone Damian had grown to know. It was just like the rest of the kids, cruel and harsh.
The young shark shook his head, starting to cry. He didn’t understand why everyone showed so much hatred towards him and as the three kids advanced upon him, Damian continued to back up, slowly inching his way closer to the lake behind him. “Are you scared Damian? Are you a fish out of water?” Nick questioned him, though as he stated his last question, he gave the smaller boy a shove, and into the lake Damian fell. Unable to use the newly formed gills he had acquired, he flailed spastically in the water sinking deeper into the lake he had been pushed into.
Nick, Alexander and Alexis watched as Damian struggled to surface. They looked to each other before Alexander sighed. “Do you think we went a bit rough on him?” He asks the other two, who shook their heads. “Nah, plus it’s interesting to watch a fish drown. I’ve always wanted to see that.” Alexis stated as she picked up a fishing pole. “Well, we don’t really wanna kill him do we? Let’s get him out.” She says as she cast the line and waited for Damian to grab a hold, little did she know, there was a large hook on the line. As Damian continued to try and swim to the surface, he felt something touch him and instantly grabbed hold of it. As soon as he did so he felt a sharp pain as what seemed to some sort of large hook pierced his hand, going through the muscle and bone within his palm. He tried to cry out, but instead he choked as water entered his lungs.
Alexis reeled the line in and pulled Damian from the water by his hand. The two boys cringed as they saw the boy being pulled up by the hook in his hand. Damian gasped for air hanging on the line as he was pulled up, though it was obvious that the line wasn’t meant to hold anything over ten pounds. Alexis held onto the pole so hard that her palms had started to bleed. The blood dripped onto the shark’s face and the scent filled his nose…

Damian awoke from the darkness remaining from his past; his eyes had changed to a pure soulless black. The whites of his eyes returned and the red in his irises came back as well. He had a distant look in his eyes as he remembered the strong lust for blood he felt. He remembered coming back to be swimming in a pool of blood with pieces of the children that had made fun of him floating around him. He remembered how scared he was at the time, though now he laughed at the memory and thought those three deserved it for provoking him like that. He looked back on all his memories like this. Every single person that out casted him deserved their fate.


As the lab grew quiet once more and the sounds of her master roaming the lab finally came to a stop, Sonia finally awoke, back in her human form and very sore. She hated shifting to her animalistic form for it hurt her body whenever the bone structure had to shift and change. She always regretted it all afterwards. Standing and stretching, the small tigress looked around wondering if there was anything to do within her cage, her thoughts were answered only by darkness, and silence. Her alternate persona wasn’t present at the moment so even within her split mind there was not a sound to be heard.
The small teen sighed as she stay put, not wanting to move due to the pain in her body. She merely sat down once again with a wince. As she made this small motion, the rattling of a chain could be heard from within the cage. She was used to the chain that bound her to the back wall of her cell by the collar around her neck and had never tried to get out of it. The collar that Damian had put on her always had to be here, for if it was removed by anyone the chip implanted in the back of her neck would release a chemical into her blood, paralyzing her until her master gave her the antidote for the nonlethal chemical. The collar would never be taken off unless her master said otherwise. She was forever a prisoner within his grasp, never to be let free.
She couldn’t remember a time when she had ever been away from her master. It was always the cage, always the torture, mutations, experimentations, always pain. She could never get away from it, could never escape, he master would never allow that without some horrible consequence to go along with her crime. She was forever confined in the small cell for Damian to do whatever he wanted to her and leave her to bleed out where she lay in the aftermath of her master’s brutal lashing.
Her alternate persona S88 was another story entirely. The voice within constantly hollered at her to rebel against the shark, and when she refused, S88 took over, shoving the shyer identity into the back of the mind and caging her within the darkness of the subconscious realms of the split mentality. As of now, S88 was not present, but she knew that once the less dominant of the split awoke, she would be in for a headache. The young teen always had this voice telling her what to do and taking over her body whenever it could. Just like Damian, she couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t have the voice in the back of her mind yelling orders at her and trying to get the submissive girl to give in to the urges that she tried so hard to resist.
As she closed her eyes and sighed, an unfamiliar scent filled her nose. It smelled quite good, something like a fish she had never smelled before, but her stomach disagreed. It churned, threatening to make her sick. It was something that she wasn’t used to. She was always hungry after the smell of any food, but now it seemed that only human blood had an effect on her hunger even if she wanted to eat whatever it was her master was cooking for her at the time. She had always wondered where he got all of his fish, surely he couldn’t go to a store, get the fish and come back in such a short amount of time. There had to be somewhere that he kept a supply of his favorite food within the lab facility he owned.
The lonely girl sighed as she opened her eyes once again, only to see darkness, as if she had never closed her eyes on the first place. It’s too quiet… Where is Master Damian? S88 spoke up, causing Sonia to jump from the sudden noise in her head. It had been so silent right up until then. “… Don’t do that…” She says quietly before her other persona laughed at her. What? Did I scare you Sonia? The dominant persona shook her head denying that she had ever jolted in surprise. “No I wasn’t scared…” She stated, trying to be brave even through this tough time.
Why was she always so scared? Was it something that Damian beaten into her or was it something else entirely? She would never get to know, for if she asked her master such a question he would merely laugh at her and beat her down with not only his words, but with anything that he had in his hand at the time as well.
She flattened the ears into her hair and lay down once again, now having nothing else to do but wait until her master came again and let her out of the cage for a little free time while he watched over her to make sure she didn’t make a run for the door. That time outside was the only time she could ever act like a normal teen. When Damian was nice to her he would play a board game or two with her until it was time to send her back into her dark prison.
Today was her lucky day. Damian’s cousin Adrian was coming and her master always let her out to play with him for an extra hour or so. It was always better with the kinder man around, and for a change she was allowed to play with a human without being forced to kill them in the end. She always had him as a friend to spoil her and take her out to eat whatever she wanted. The city man was great to be around for the sole purpose of actually getting to feel human again. It was something she never felt with Damian, for he had taken her humanity away. Adrian was the only person that allowed her to keep what humanity she had left.
Silence took over the cage again and the faint click of stilettos on the thick steel floor of the lab sounded. The door of Damian’s lab opened to reveal a… man with shoulder length pink hair, white eyes, and a grin on his girlish face. He wore a woman’s fit pair of straight leg jeans, a long sleeved black shirt with red and pink hearts on it. His shoes were shin high heeled boots with buckles instead of laces. He had his ears pierced twice and within them were small diamond studs in each piercing. “Damian, Sonia, ya’ heah’?” He called for his cousin in a thick New York accent. She perked at the human’s voice and smiled knowing that her master would let her out. “I’m over here.” She could hear her master in the other room calling to his flamboyant cousin before the sound of the other man’s heals clicked in the direction of the voice. The girl heard them talking, Damian’s smooth voice standing out greatly from Adrian’s thick accent and flamboyant tone.
There was the sound of heavy boots on the steel now and the click of the door of her cage opening. Damian stood there and looked to the tigress, Adrian standing behind him, though it was obvious that the younger white haired cousin was taller. The shark man walked in and undid the chain that held Sonia in her cage and the girl instantly ran up to the pink haired man, hugging him. “Master Adrian, I missed you.” She purred, her tail swaying gently behind her, and her tiger ears were perked at the top of her head.
The older man laughed and pat her on the head, ruffling her hair. “I missed ya’ too Sonia. Broughtchya’ somethin’ from New Yawk.” He says as he pulled a small box from the bag he had been carrying. It was neatly wrapped with a small bow on it. “I hope ya’ like it.” He stated as the girl smiled and took the box, thanking him as she started to carefully open it. Within the box was a small glass tiger that Adrian had specially made for her. She examined it before very carefully putting the glass animal down and hugging the flamboyant man once again. “I love it Master Adrian, thank you.”
Damian had been watching this scene play out with his cousin and his experiment. The tiger always seemed to light up when the flamboyant man was around, and he started to wonder how it would affect her if Adrian was somehow killed and never came back. Would she ask him to kill her as well so she could join his cousin? Or would she forever live in a state of grieving and silence, slowly killing herself… He would never know that, for his cousin was obviously alive and well and seemed to be staying that way, unless he was hiding some sort of sickness that could be hidden from his shark senses. He seriously doubted that option though; he knew that for a human Adrian was healthy as could be. The shark knew better than to ask if something was wrong, Adrian always said that it was okay even when it was painfully obvious it wasn’t. There was nothing the younger man could do except wait it all out and take everything in stride as it came, he didn’t like thinking ahead.
Red eyes scanned the room for something that seemed to be bothering him. The electrical currents were disappearing from the room again and he couldn’t figure out where they were going. He could only see electricity for certain distances before all vision turned black and he had to open his eyes due to temporary blindness, among other things. He sighed and looked away, walking back to his desk and working on the papers and notes he had been doing before Adrian came. He picked up his pen and started to write once more in the notebook he had open, stating his observations that he had made from testing his new unstable chemical.
‘Caught up in this madness,
Too blind to see,
Awoke animal feelings in me,
Took over my sense and I lost control,
I’ll taste your blood tonight.’

All of that though was cut short as his cell phone rang; playing ‘Scream’ by one of his favorite bands Avenged Sevenfold. Sighing the shark answered it and listened as someone called Ada seemed to offer him a job at a place called ‘DNA Corp.’, it seemed interesting at the time. There were people like him there, that was what she told him anyway. He questioned this Ada girl; “Will I be able to bring my experiment?” “Yes.” “My lab equipment?” “Yes.” “My cousin?” “If he will work as well then yes.” That was all he needed to agree to come to the DNA corp. He hung up and put his phone down before grabbing a notebook to start making plans.
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I know it's long. The next chapter will be shorter I promise!
Oh and this does have two separate Points of View.