Status: starting....

Dancing to Your Heart

Hollywood Has Love

Recap: "So…who are you?"

"Anna-Marie Johnson, your new dance teacher."

"But you're younger than I am. How can you be my teacher?" He asked, wiping his face with the jacket that lay on the armrest beside him.

"You know Sophie Johnson, the owner of the studio, right?" He nodded his head. "She's my mother and she's taught pretty much everything she knows about dance. I'm technically a professional, but I don't have a license yet. My mom says I can get one after I get my driver's license."

"That's…cool." He smiled forcefully at me, and even though his face was red from crying, he was beautiful.

"Yeah. I guess." I blushed lightly and smiled at him. "So, I kind of heard the end of the conversation you had with Selena, and, um. I was wondering if you were okay…?"

"I'm…okay." He smiled again, but this time it was real. "It's hard, because I think that I was kind of falling in love with her in a way, but I realize that she wasn't the right girl for me." His face changed again. "Maybe she's right, though. Maybe Hollywood will always be like this for me. Maybe I'll never find true love. Maybe-"

"No, Justin stop!" He looked at me in surprise for my outburst and I blushed again. "She isn't right, and I know that for a fact. My mom and dad found true love, and they have always been part of Hollywood. You can find love, you just have to look hard for it."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "I want to believe you, but…" His face was sad again.

"You're scared." I smiled at him and moved closer so I was sitting on the couch next to his chair. "I'm scared, too. My parents have never really let me out into the real world until now. I've been stuck in our family estate, running around with only my cousin for company for years, and this is the first time I actually have been able to interact with anyone outside of my family's sheltered circle of friends. In spite of that I'm still excited to be here, and yes I'm a little scared, but at the same time I want to find love and friendship outside of my comfort zone, and I want to live life without being scared all of the time." I smiled up at him, and reached to touch his arm, only to find his hand enclosing around mine. "Sometimes you have to leave the fear behind so you can live."

He smiled down at me, and was about to say something back when the door flew open with a bang. I jumped and turned to the door only to find my mother standing there with a scowl on her face.

"Anna-Marie, Mr. Bieber started his dance lesson twenty-three minutes ago and yet I find you sitting here HOLDING HANDS with him!" She put her hands on her hips and waited for my answer.

I slipped my hand out of Justin's and gave him a quick smile before turning to my mother. She looked even more furious than before, and her forehead was furrowed, meaning that she was extremely pissed.

"Well…" I paused, thinking about how to tell her what just happened. "Selena and Justin got in a fight, and then Justin told Selena to get out and when I came in he was crying so I wanted to comfort him."

She looked at Justin. "Is this the truth?"

"Yes, madam, it is." He gave her an award winning smile. All of the redness had faded from his face, and he looked perfect. "It's really my fault." Now he was playing the 'I'm guilty don't get mad at her' card. "I was freaking out so Anna-Marie just wanted to make sure I was composed enough to go to our dance lesson. It wouldn't be good for me to be bawling while trying to learn the dance moves."

My mother laughed. He was good with adults. Usually my mother stayed mad for a long time, but all he did was tell the truth and all of her anger just melted away.

"Okay, I believe you guys." She smiled at Justin and I. "But," She put on a fake scowl. "I expect you both to be outside and dancing in five minutes." She looked at both of us. "And I expect Justin to be in suitable dancing clothes."

She walked out of the door and Justin and I sighed in relief.

"That was close," I breathed out softly.

"Yeah." He smiled at me and then frowned softly. "You could have left out the crying part so I at least kept my manhood."

I punched him lightly and he smiled again. "You were never a man, Bieber." I walked to the door and saw his shocked face looking back at me. "Hurry up and put your dancing clothes on. I'll be waiting outside."

I walked out into the studio and to the dancing mat on the furthest right. I chose it because it was the newest and therefore the cleanest. It was also the furthest away from Selena, meaning Justin wouldn't have to deal with being right next to her the whole time I was trying to teach him.

I stood in the middle of the mat and began to stretch, letting my mind wander over the past twenty minutes. Selena was just what I had expected, a total bitch, but Justin was different. I had always thought that all celebrities were stuck-up creeps, but he actually seemed like a nice guy. Thinking about him crying made me want to just punch Selena in the face.

I was lost in thought when Justin walked up to me, and he had to snap in front of my face many times to break me out of my reverie.

"You okay?" He asked. He actually looked concerned.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I smiled up at him. "So what track are you working with?"

"It's this new song called Latin Girl." He looked at me expectantly.

I looked at him in confusion. "I don't listen to your music." His face fell for a second, but resumed to neutrality a second later. "I like classical, jazz, and older music. English stuff, too." I felt bad for saying I didn't like his music. "Plus I'm not allowed to listen to pop music. Rules of the house." I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was forced this time. "So you want to play me the track and I can choreograph it for you?"

"Sure." He pulled an iPod out of the pocket of his sweat pants. "You do have an iPod, right?" He asked sarcastically. I nodded. "Okay, here."

He handed me one of his ear buds and I stuck it in my left ear. He leaned closer to me and pressed play. We listened, and as we did I watched him closely. He was even more beautiful up close, and his small freckles were cute. The song ended, and he looked up at me in expectancy, his forehead wrinkled as he waited.

"I…actually liked the song." I smiled at him, and he smiled his real smile back. I could already tell by his smile how he felt. "Now let's get to work."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter...YAY! Sorry I'm kind of hyper at the moment...but yeah! Hope you like it! It's kind of short, but oh wellerz.