
"You say you're hurt like me, you say that you know. But I know you don't know."

Last year when everything was perfect, we all knew everything about each other. School, gossip, and drama was really all that mattered back then. Life was just a game to us and we felt as if nothing would ever change. As she liked to say, it was "just like a movie". That's how I thought too, until reality came crashing down.

After 'the incident', I thought I could just move on. I thought that the void in my heart, the emptiness in my soul could be healed by those who I loved. But, really, I'd never cared so much about them. I'd never put my heart into them, not the way I put it into her. Now, I know, really it's not her fault. Really, there's nothing she could have done outside of being a little smarter; but everyone falls in the hole sometimes. Everyone loses their way. I just wonder, why did it have to be her?