My Normal Life as an Assassin.

First Assignment.

“Why do I always have to save your-”

“Look out!” I yelled pushing down the boys head that I had just recently met. All night this boy had been getting in my way and causing me dilemmas. He claimed himself a newborn superhero. Claiming to stop injustice wherever it may lurk. There was no problem too hard or tough for him. Don’t even think I said that about him. He’d the one who said it.

It all started when I had gotten a letter while feeding the kittens at the animal shelter. I didn’t have a job with any companies and since Papa and Mama liked to keep me home I didn’t object. They had taken me in when I was a rowdy teenager. I had given them hell and they gave it right back. Their discipline had straighten me out and I really appreciated them.

“Tavora, a letter just slid under the door for you. It’s always weird for this to happen. Are you sure it’s not a secret admirer?” My long time friend said. Her name was Amy. She liked to pester me about the letters that I had gotten. But as always I replied back to her.

“It isn’t. No one can ever love me.” I said then pretended to cry. She laughed for a while before handing the letter over. Once she had tried to read it but it was just verse after verse of poems. That’s the reason she thought it was a love letter.

Once she was gone from the room I opened the letter. The poems were made up on the spot and I could see right through them. Papa expected me at the house in thirty minutes. He would be in his study waiting to give me further instructions. I sighed crumbling up the letter. I would have to burn it later. I kissed the small kitten I was holding on the head them wiped away any fur that stuck. Even if I loved them, their fur hated me.

I walked out and told Amy that I had to go. She always complained at this part. She would say she would be lost without me and the shelter would close down in a matter of minutes. She was always over dramatic.

When I got back to the manor, yes I said manor. Well… it used to be. It had been in their family for generations. They even still had a few of the original workers family line still working for them. But back to my main point. When I got back to the manor I burned his letter in my fireplace then made sure to bury them deep in my potted plant. Other people did it other ways but I found this helped the earth a little.

When I made sure the ground was packed again I went to his study. When I walked in everything was dark. I took another look around before stepping in. I had only taken a few steps when the door slammed shut behind me and the lights flashed on.

Before whoever was in here spoke I had unsheathed the blade that I always had hidden and was ready to fight.

“Surprise!” I heard from all around me. I took a moment to assess the situation and realized it was all people I knew. I saw my Papa and Mama right in front of me. They weren’t in front of me before but that’s what comes with the job of being an assassin.

“What is this all about?” I said putting my blade away.

“Today is going to be your first official mission, by yourself.” My Mama said. I felt excitement and anxiousness rise in my stomach and didn’t realize I was jumping in joy until my assassin brother Mark put his hand on my shoulder. I had went on many missions with Mark before. He was the one that actually executed the plan but I was along to learn and get strategies. He was one of the best assassins out there and I knew I was going to beat him. Today was going to be the day.

“You mean it? You really mean it?” I said still trying to hop. My Mama smiled as she nodded her head slowly. I squealed and jumped on her as I hugged her tight. I heard Mark laugh then the throat clearing of my Papa. I immediately let go and stood at attention.

Papa did not like playing games. He probably only did this charade because Mama begged him to. She loved to play tricks. That’s why we got along so well.

“Here is your assignment. Do not fail.” He said seriously. I nodded my head and took the rolled up paper from him. He leaned forward giving me a kiss on my head.

“Now do me proud.” he said letting a slight smile spread on his face. I smiled back and bowed before running out of the room to get ready.

Tonight was going to be the night. I was going to become a real assassin. I was going to follow my mission and kill this traitor or villain, whatever he was. I was going to do it. I wasn’t going to let anything anything stand in my way…

Until Jaxith, the kind-hearted, arrived to spoil my fun in every way possible.
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Tell me what ya think. Tell me if there are grammar errors and where please if you have the time. It would really be appreciated. =]