My Normal Life as an Assassin.

Change in Plans.

So Jaxith, lets talk about him. I had never met that boy before and he really had appeared out of no where. I had read the letter my Papa had given me and I was to strike at midnight. I was to go to a party for the man I was to kill. The man was a backwards ambassador. He took the money from the people and spent on himself. He also killed stripper when they wouldn’t go his way.

I traveled by car to the embassy. I had on the fake license plate that Papa had given me when I had turned twenty. It was needed for these missions. Just in case someone happened to notice the car. But here it wouldn’t really matter. I was going to park a little ways down then walk the rest of the way.

I knew I couldn’t get into his party the legal way so I picked the lock on a side door and walked right in. To get in normally they would have to do a body check. This event was in am embassy after all. Mama said she had already wired into the security and was feeding old footage to them. She was watching me though in case something were to change in the plan.

When I got inside I called her pager. I smoothed out the short red dress I was wearing and touched my red hair a few times to see if it was still in place. I opened the compact mirror I kept with me and saw the makeup around my light green eyes was still good. I closed the mirror and took out the mask I was to wear. It was a mask to cover the eye part of my face and half of the lower part. It also helped that I had a fan just in case my mask came off.

I exited the room I had broken into and started my investigation. I searched for the target among the people. Chatting and learning more about my surroundings. He was to be alone this evening when he got his annual whore to bed him. Everyone here knew of his treachery but didn’t try to stop him one bit. But who could? He was a man with the world in his hand basically.

“Might I ask what an alluring woman such as yourself is doing here?” I heard behind me. I turned around and smiled. It was the bubbling and grotesque human being. He had a potbelly and one of his eyes was looking off somewhere else rather than me.

“I came here to congratulate you.” I said curtsying slightly. I could feel my blade hand dig into my side. It was begging me to let blood spill on it. I was about to speak again when I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist.

“Care for a dance?” I heard before I was pulled away from my target. All I could do was stare back at him and curse whoever had pulled me away. When I turned around to look at the idiot who was ruining my mission I held my breath for a second. The man that had literally whisked me away was handsome. He had dark caramel colored hair and brilliant blue eyes. His skin reminded me of the brown sugar that my Mama made her oatmeal cookies with.

I tried to figure out what he was for a moment before coming back to me senses.

“Excuse me but I was trying to have a conversation.” I said glaring at him. He laughed and I felt a lone butterfly play in my stomach.

“Madame, no one really wants to have a conversation with him. Plus you must know about what he does to beautiful ladies like yourself. That’s why I, a modern day superhero, came to steal you away before his evil got you.” He said with a smile. I continued to glare and stomped on his foot so he would let go. Sure enough he did.

“I didn’t come here to meet some idiot who believes in super heros. Now leave me alone.” I said starting to walk away. I could hear him cursing behind me. Thank to him I had to find my target again. I walked through the crowds and saw he was gone. I held back a curse and looked at the time. It was almost pass midnight. I searched through the crowd again until I saw him leaving.

Something was wrong, he wasn’t supposed to be leaving. I went over to his security guard and asked why he was leaving. Of course he didn’t answer me so I had to turn to Mama. I made my way out and back to the car. As I was leaving I felt a hand grab mine.

They were lucky that I wasn’t in my normal clothes or else they would have been bleeding. The most I did was twist their arm back and push their face to the ground with my foot. When I heard them yelling in pain I realized it was the idiot who ruined my mission.

“What do you want?” I said keeping his face pressed to the ground.

“I would like to get off the ground and apologize.” He said. I debated it in my head for a while before letting him up.

“Apology not accepted. Now leave me alone. I have something to do.” I said then gliding past him and to my car. I got in and started to drive. I called Mama and she told me one of the mansions he owned caught on fire. She said to hurry there and to not get caught.

When I got to the warehouse I changed in the car and didn’t even notice that a car had followed me. I got out the car and smoothed down any wrinkles in my body suit. Mama had wanted me to get a hood on it but I hated hoods. I liked it when my hair was out. I took my hair out of the tight constriction of a bun and let it breath.

I didn’t even hear them when they snuck up on me and got me on the ground. My stomach dropped and I reached for my knife to harm them and my hand was grabbed. I felt them sit on me and they held both of my arms up and away from the belt I was wearing.

“Who are you?” I said in a yelled whisper. I heard a familiar laugh and gritted my teeth.

“Jaxith, the kind hearted.” The man who had ruined my mission said. I groaned when he leaned forward making my chest press against the ground more. I kicked him in the back hard making him get off of me. I tried to kick him again once I had gotten up. Remember I said tried. He grabbed my foot making me fall on my back.

Before I could get up he had crawled over me and held my arms down.

“What are you gonna do rape me?” I said glaring at him.

“Cause if you are it’s pretty pathetic to stalk one girl to do that.” He just laughed at me then got off. He even held a hand out for me to get up. I got up by myself and saw he had changed as well.

“I would never do that. I told you before I am a superhero. I am here to stop the evil deeds of Mr. Ambassador.” I stared at him for a while before becoming angry. I started by stamping my foot and yelling Chinese curses at him.

“What is the matter with you? Did I break you or something?” He said about to poke me. I grabbed his finger and held it in a death grip. I could tell he almost yelled.

“You are here to stop him too?” I asked still holding his finger.

“Yes, yes! Now will you please let go, I sort of need that.” He said. I let go and paced back and forth in thought.

“I can’t believe this. They sent someone else to-”

“No one sent me. I am a lone superhero. Someone sent you?” He asked as he cradled his finger. I looked at him in disbelief.

“You are here to do him in by yourself? You made up a plan to take care of him without any help?” I said getting closer to him. He looked like he wanted to back up but he didn’t.

“Yes. I do it all the time. Getting corrupt people and making the world a better place.” He said it confidently enough and it didn’t seem like he had lost his mind. I stared at him for half a second longer before turning away.

“Well your not needed. I am taking care of him so go home hero boy.” I said then ran up to the building. I had a running start so it was easy to get higher up the building to start my climb. I was doing good when I saw a rope shoot past me. I stopped climbing for a second to see if someone was attacking me. I saw to my despair it was Jaxith. He was scaling up the wall with the rope. He was going faster than I was. I glared down at him and kept going up with more vigor than before.

When I reached the top I waited until he finished his climb.

“Very impressive, but if you don’t mind leave. You already ruined my mission before and I fear you will ruin it again. So go little doggie.” I said moving my hands in the way a pet owner did to shoo away their dog.

“I cannot allow a woman to go and take on a man on her own. I must accompany you, whether you like it or not.” He said. I ignored him and turned around and began to walk. I was about to take another step on the roof when he pulled me back. I was going to yell at him when he put a hand over my mouth.

He pointed to the ground and I saw a red lasers lining the ground from where we were to the sky light. I had almost triggered the alarm. I moved his hand from my mouth to talk.

“How did you know it was there?” I asked as I moved away from him but made sure not to touch the laser.

“I set up systems like this, I have my own security business.” He said bending down to look it over. He stayed there for a while before realizing I was already through half of the lasers.

“What are you doing! Get back here!” He said about to follow me before stopping. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued on my way. I ignored him and finally made it to the window. I got out my glass cutter and cut out the glass. It was better then trying to open it and getting some other security measure. I placed the glass on top of the face up windows then peeked though into the dark mansion.

“What are you doing?” I heard behind me. It startled me so much that I fell forwards and toward the 20 ft landing below. I would have died if Jaxith didn’t caught my arm. I felt like I had died for a while. I finally allowed myself to take a breath.

“I’m alive.” I said to myself.

“Good for you, now help me get you up.” He said. I shook my head and grabbed onto the ledge. As I started to pull myself up I heard something sizzling. I grabbed my hair not caring if it almost made him fall in.

“They burned my hair!” I whispered.

“Hurry up or the rest of you will be burned.” He said groaning to hold me up. I tucked my hair in my top then pulled myself up and out of the window.

“Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?” he said taking a breather by sitting on the roof.

“Only when you’re there to catch me.” I said sarcastically then looked at the roof.

“How did you get over here so fast? Where did the lasers go?”

“I deactivated them. The control board was right there.” he said pointing in back of him. I glared at him as I tied my hair.

“Smart ass. You almost got me killed.” I said glared at him.

“Not my fault you are jumpy.”

“Whatever, now Mr. Security man. What the hell is that thing down there that got my poor hair.”

“State of the art in security is what that is. We can’t enter from here.” He said giving up. I rolled my eyes and took up some dirt that laid on the roof. I threw it into the room and saw a million lines show up. I saw that most weren’t in the middle.

“I can do it. Give me your rope.” I said holding out my hand. He took it out and handed it to me. I climbed on top of the sky light and cut out another hole where less lasers crossed. I placed the glass beside me and called him over.

“Hold this and don’t you dare let go.” I said staring him in the eyes. He stared right back at me until I blinked. He could be a world class stare person.


“Just do it.” I said then lowered myself into the hole. Before he could protest I grabbed the rope and started to make my way down. The rope below me bumped into the lasers and burned slightly. I just had to hope that it wouldn’t go through and cut it off too early. I made it to the bottom without a problem.

I let out a sigh of relief and up at him. He gave me a thumbs up and I returned it. I found a control panel like he had and used some of the dust left on my glove to see the combination. I pressed it in and all the lasers shut off.

I wasn’t going to shut it off so he couldn’t follow me but I decided against it. He had helped me out this much. What was the harm in having him help me more?

That’s what I thought in the beginning but as we got closer to our goal I began to rethink it.
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Grammar good? Grammar bad? Go ahead and tell me. =]