Never Let Go

Never Let Go
A Ronald Weasley Romance
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters, but I do own the plot.
TC: Never Let Go by Josh Groban

I often wonder what life would have been like had my mother lived.

I often wonder what she was like.

They say she was a loving woman, a woman that saw the good in those around her and never turned her back on anyone in need. They say that her beauty rivaled that of a Veela, that her voice, so soft and pure, could soothe even the most savage beasts.

They say that she was brave and cunning, that her heart was pure as gold and that she loved me more than anything. They say she loved me so much that she sacrificed herself in order to give my dad enough time to flea the house with me when Voldemort arrived for us on that fateful day in July.

I wish I remembered her.

I wish I remembered the feel of her embrace, the smell of her hair, the sound of her laugh. I wish I could remember the woman that made the ultimate sacrifice, but must of all I wish that that monster hadn’t ruined our lives.

Because that’s what he did when he killed my mother.

He ruined everything.