It's Never Gonna Be Too Late.

It's All Up To Her.

I awoke with the blinding sun peering through the small bedroom window.
I stretched and then got out of bed.
Bob was still sleeping quietly next to me.
I glided to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
I made a big mistake last night watching MIkey walk to his car.
And I made an even bigger mistake by telling Bob I still loved him.
Stop thinking like that, I yelled at myself.
I was ready to throw something at the mirror.
I looked away and went into the living room.
Frustrated with my stupidity, I turned on the television.
There was nothing worth watching since it was fairly early.
I had never woken up before 10:00 A.M. in my life.
I don't know why I got up this early, I did have a hectic night.
As I walked into the kitchen to get a small glass of water, Bob came out of the bedroom.
Scratching his head and yawning, he went to my side and kissed my cheek.
"Good Morning, Alex. How come you're up so early?"
I kissed him back.
"I honestly don't know. But I might as well stay up."
I went back to the couch in the living room with my water.
While I channel-surfed, Bob stepped into the shower.
"I'll be out soon," he called.
"Okay," I said to myself.
Even with the running water from the showerhead, I still heard Bob's phone beep.
I picked it up when I was in the bedroom and saw he had a new text message.
I opened it, it reading: "Sorry it's so early. I'm meeting Ashe tonight. If things don't work out I'm leaving. If I leave say good-bye to everyone for me. Gerard."
Just great.
I'd hate to be in Ashe's position.