It's Never Gonna Be Too Late.

All That I Can Be.

Ashe's POV.

I truely couldn't believe this was happening.
Mikey and Bob, fighting. All because of a couple words I admitted to Bob.
But I couldn't help but think if this is what would happen if Gerard found out about Frank and I.
My eyes darted between Bob and Mikey, and then Frank and Gerard as them and Ray tried to break up the fight.
"What is up with you two ?!" Ray yelled causing everyone to pause.
Everyone looked at Ray.
"You guys are fighting over a girl! One girl! Get over yourselves."
Gerard picked up Mikey off the ground and Frank picked up Bob.
As Aelx stood there in shock, I pulled her to the back of the bus.
She took a seat on one of the bunks and I sat acros from her.
She didn't look at me, she just stared into her hands that were placed on her lap.
"Alex, I didn't know it would get this bad.. I'm sorry" I admitted.
She finally looked up.
"You knew it would. Yeah, maybe not a physical fight, but emotional at that. But you still told him. Whether it was his right to know or not, you still shouldn't have!" She stated as a tear formed in her eye.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I glared at her. She just glared right back.
"You know, no wonder we weren't friends last tour or the ones before that. All you do and all you can do is say you're sorry, but you don't mean it."
That was it, I couldn't take it anymore. "You know what. That's why no one likes me. Because everyone around me underestamates me for being a little brat who can't stand up for herself. And I've had enough with that shit! Do not say that is all I do and all I say, because you do not know me well enough to make those assumptions." I stormed out of the currently parked bus grabbing my coat and walking through the entire fight that was happening in the front of the bus.
I slammed the door and walked out onto the sidewalk.
I just took a seat and stared at the dirty ground, I didn't cry, I didn't weep.
I really didn't feel any emotion besides anger.
Do people really only see me as that ? Am I just some blonde ditz that can't take care of herself ?
Soon enough, Gerard came walking outside and took a seat close beside me.
"Want to talk?" He quietly asked.
"Why not ?" He asked as if he was somewhat hurt.
"Because." He wasn't getting anything out of me tonight.
"Well, atleast get inside, it's getting cold." He said getting up and offering his hand.
I looked at it and mumbled, "I'll be there in a minute." And he walked back inside.
That minute definitly wasn't long enough.