A Nightmare Come True

Catching Up

"Cody I can't believe summer is already over," I exclaimed.
"It doesn't help that you were in Australia for an entire month, like every other summer. How was it," asked Cody
"Better than I remember! The only bad part is my accent got stronger, and I was finally losing it."
"I think it's kinda sexy though," he said causing me to blush.
"So what did you do while I was away," I said quickly changing the subject.
"Just hung around the pool, got a girl friend that I ended up dumping. Nothing much."
"Sounds fun. Why did you end it with..."
"Meghan. She just wasn't fun to be around and sh was a bitch."
"I'm sorry to hear that," I said checking the clock. " We'd better go or we will be late to class, cath you later," I said while walking to gym.

When the bell rang the teacher had us share one thing that we did this summer. When it got to me I told them that I went to Australia for a month. As I thought, people made fun of my accent and called me the ugly Australian ginger freak. It was th same thing in every class that I spoke in.

Afte school Cody and I met up and walked to his home. The walk started off quiet.
"How was your day," said Cody breakin the silence.
"Same as always. How was yours," I asked.
"Okay, my teachers seem pretty cool," he said casually. "How did people act when you spoke? Wait, did you talk beacause you normally don't?"
"People laughed, even a few of the teachers. I'm just not going to talk like always."
"Why do you do that? Be yourself, you're awesome! You shouldn't care what people think"
"I don't know, Americans are just strange, and have a sick sense of humor."
"Not all of us are like that," he said as we go approached his home.

They had painted the house since I last saw it. It used to be a dark green, and is now a light tan. When we got inside it was hardly reconizable. They added onto the back of the living room. The kitchen used to be a cream white, but is now a lime green with a hint of blue. After we grabbed a snack we went to his room to do homework.

His room is above the living room, where they added on. They also added onto his room. He got a new set of metal furniture to replace his old set. His bed had a trundle underneath that pulled out. The walls were painted with a sunset.
"Wow, it looks just like the picture we took last Christmas," I said amazed.
"My mom has a painter friend that did that," he said.
"Do you remember why we took that picture?"
"How could I forget? It was a fun night," he said causing me to rembe it again.
"Do you remember the promise we made that night? Well I think we should forget about it. What do you think?"
"I was hoping you would say that one o these days. There's always been a part of me that's wanted to more than just friends. That feeling grew when we kissed that night."
"How long have you felt that way," I asked curiously.
"Since last November. Is that weird?"
"No I'm glad I didn't just make a fool of myself."
"You never could be seen as a fool to me Lexi. You're my best friend neve think you're a fool, maybe weird at times but who cares," he said leaving me without knowing what to say. "Alex I didn't think that kiss last Christmas was a mistake. Will you go out with me?"
"I'd love to, but I thought you had a girlfriend."
"I would never cheat on anyone, I give you my word."
"Then I would love to. Now let's do our homework before we forget."

We only had one class together, and that happened to be the only class we got homework in. We had to write a three paragraph paper on something we did this summer for English. Before I knew it we had finished our papers. We started playing Halo on his X-box 360. After we played a few rounds which ended in ties we went downstairs and had dinner. I had to leave shortly after we had dinner other wise I would get grounded again.
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Sorry if this has a ton of editing errors. I didn't have time to check over it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter a little more. There is still a lot more to come and it will get a lot better.